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Add bin/stop-test.js shutdown testing script:
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This script launches rippled repeatedly and then issues a stop command
after a variable amount of time. This is to test the shutdown of the
application and catch errors.
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sublimator authored and vinniefalco committed Nov 4, 2014
1 parent 549ad32 commit 825b18c
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 0 deletions.
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions bin/stop-test.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
/* -------------------------------- REQUIRES -------------------------------- */

var child = require("child_process");
var assert = require("assert");

/* --------------------------------- CONFIG --------------------------------- */

if (process.argv[2] == null) {
'Usage: ',
' `node bin/stop-test.js i,j [rippled_path] [rippled_conf]`',
' Launch rippled and stop it after n seconds for all n in [i, j}',
' For all even values of n launch rippled with `--fg`',
' For values of n where n % 3 == 0 launch rippled with `--fg`\n',
'Examples: ',
' $ node bin/stop-test.js 5,10',
(' $ node bin/stop-test.js 1,4 ' +
'build/clang.debug/rippled $HOME/.confs/rippled.cfg')

} else {
var testRange = process.argv[2].split(',').map(Number);
var rippledPath = process.argv[3] || 'build/rippled'
var rippledConf = process.argv[4] || 'rippled.cfg'

var options = {
env: process.env,
stdio: 'ignore' // we could dump the child io when it fails abnormally

// default args
var conf_args = ['--conf='+rippledConf];
var start_args = conf_args.concat([/*'--net'*/])
var stop_args = conf_args.concat(['stop']);

/* --------------------------------- HELPERS -------------------------------- */

function start(args) {
return child.spawn(rippledPath, args, options);
function stop(rippled) { child.execFile(rippledPath, stop_args, options)}
function secs_l8r(ms, f) {setTimeout(f, ms * 1000); }

function show_results_and_exit(results) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(results, undefined, 2));

var timeTakes = function (range) {
function sumRange(n) {return (n+1) * n /2}
var ret = sumRange(range[1]);
if (range[0] > 1) {
ret = ret - sumRange(range[0] - 1)
var stopping = (range[1] - range[0]) * 0.5;
return ret + stopping;

/* ---------------------------------- TEST ---------------------------------- */

console.log("Test will take ~%s seconds", timeTakes(testRange));

(function oneTest(n /* seconds */, results) {
if (n >= testRange[1]) {
// show_results_and_exit(results);
console.log(JSON.stringify(results, undefined, 2));
oneTest(testRange[0], []);

var args = start_args;
if (n % 2 == 0) {args = args.concat(['--fg'])}
if (n % 3 == 0) {args = args.concat(['--net'])}

var result = {args: args, alive_for: n};

console.log("\nLaunching `%s` with `%s` for %d seconds",
rippledPath, JSON.stringify(args), n);

rippled = start(args);
console.log("Rippled pid: %d",;

// defaults
var b4StopSent = false;
var stopSent = false;
var stop_took = null;

rippled.once('exit', function(){
if (!stopSent && !b4StopSent) {
console.warn('\nRippled exited itself b4 stop issued');

// The io handles close AFTER exit, may have implications for
// `stdio:'inherit'` option to `child.spawn`.
rippled.once('close', function() {
result.stop_took = (+new Date() - stop_took) / 1000; // seconds
console.log("Stopping after %d seconds took %s seconds",
n, result.stop_took);
oneTest(n+1, results);

secs_l8r(n, function(){
console.log("Stopping rippled after %d seconds", n);

// possible race here ?
// seems highly unlikely, but I was having issues at one point
stop_took = (+new Date());
// when does `exit` actually get sent?

// Sometimes we want to attach with a debugger.
if (process.env.ABORT_TESTS_ON_STALL != null) {
// We wait 30 seconds, and if it hasn't stopped, we abort the process
secs_l8r(30, function() {
if (result.stop_took == null) {
console.log("rippled has stalled");
}(testRange[0], []));

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