Thinking Lobster (1.0.0 Alpha Release)
A Ruby gem to add spaced repetion functionality to Mongoid documents.
This gem is used for non-scaled, correct / incorrect review systems only. In that sense, it is more similar to the Leitner System than scaled response algorithms, such as SM Family of algorithms.
This gem is still undergoing human testing. If you use this gem and have comments about the default intervals or questions about using it, please submit an issue.
If you need extensive help, please see the documentation
#after setting up mongoid and requiring ThinkingLobster
class FlashCard
include Mongoid::Document
include ThinkingLobster
field :question
field :answer
q = FlashCard.create(question: 'First American President', answer: 'George Washington')
# => 2013-10-19 22:06:28 -0700
# Marks the item correct and automatically lengthens the time until next review.
# => #<FlashCard 0x123>
# Marking it wrong will intelligently shorten the time until next review.
# => #<FlashCard 0x123>
#returns instance of Time
# => 2013-10-19 22:06:28 -0700
#Returns number of seconds since it was due
# => 2335243423
# The point of using an SRS is reviewing LESS, not more.
# This method lets you know if its not time to review yet...
# => true
#When things go wrong...
# Resets all learning data for a particular item.
# A bunch of configurations...
# => {:cutoff=>129600, :first_interval=>7200, :new_positive_multiplier=>2.0, :old_positive_multiplier=>1.25, :penalty=>0.25}
# If you know what you are doing, you can change them like this...
ThinkingLobster.config.merge!(penalty: 0.5)
# => {:cutoff=>129600, :first_interval=>7200, :new_positive_multiplier=>2.0, :old_positive_multiplier=>1.25, :penalty=>0.5}
# Don't do that unless you have a reason to, though.
gem install thinking_lobster
or with bundler via
gem 'thinking_lobster'
rake test
Generate documentation with Sdoc.
sdoc lib/
Licensed under the MIT License. See license.txt for more information.
- Rick Carlino
- Brett Byler
Please add your name to this list if submitting a pull request.