This is a solution on how to make native windows screensavers using raylib. You can make your own screensavers with 3D using Raylib!
- Simply open the solution under vsproject/RaylibScreensaver.sln with either Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 Community Edition (
- You can add your own code in source/screensaver.c (Just change the Init, Update and Destroy method).
- Compile a release version and check in the folder "vsproject/Release". There should be a file raylibscreensaver.scr.
- Right click the file and click install
If you get the error "fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'" then you have to install Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
- Open the Control Panel
- Search for Programs and Features
- Search for Microsoft Visual Studio
- Click Change/Modify
- Under featues search for Microsoft Foundation Classes v141.
By Rico Possienka
Using some code from