- git clone repo
- change name of .env-example to .env
SLACK_APP_TOKEN (https://api.slack.com/apps)
- create a new app
- turn on socket mode
- ensure have connections:write for scope
- the token created that starts with "xapp" is the value you fill above
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN (https://api.slack.com/apps)
- for this you need to set OAuth on
- Bot User OAuth Token is the value you need for above
- after setting this on you will need to ensure many permissions are enabled:
- app_mentions:read
- channels:read
- chat:write
- groups:history
- im:history
- im:read
- im:write
- mpim:history
- mpim:read
- mpim:write
WIT_AI_TOKEN (https://wit.ai/)
- make an account
- will need an intent, will be custom name it wolfram
- Entity go to built-in, find wit/wolfram_search_query select that
- go into Settings, there in Server access Token you will find the value of above
WOLFRAM_APP_ID (https://developer.wolframalpha.com/portal/myapps/)
- once there create an account note on free acount only 2000 requests per month
- click 'Get an AppId'
- Fill in both app name and description
- what is given as appId will be used to fill this column caution: there have been known errors about the delay of the creation of this IDs so one might require a 12 hour wait period before using project