It's RimWorld with more biomes!
Fruit Bats: Flappy herbivorous mammals.
Pale Lizards: Tiny lizards that are often preyed on by cavern carnivores.
Crystal Crab: Crabs with a shell of stone covered in crystal.
Jellypot Bug: Small, jelly producing insects.
Bovine Beetle: Muffalo sized beetles, great for meat, chitin, and honeydew. They can be used as a caravan animal.
Mole: Dog sized mammals that inhabit the caverns.
Pillbug: Heavily armored plated insects.
Royal Rhino Beetle: Horned beetles that make for decent defenders.
Maxolotl: Huge omnivorous salamanders that dwell within the waters of the caverns.
Slime: Living piles of slime with acidic flesh.
Giant Snail: Surprisingly fast snails the size of a cow that can be used as caravan animals.
Spectre Shrimp: Small yet ferocious blind shrimp that dwell within the lakes and rivers of the caverns.
Cave Spider: The top predator of the biome, these ferocious spiders have a venemous bite and considerable strength. When tamed they can be used as caravan animals.
Vampire Bat: Bloodthirsty flying mammals that feed on anything large enough.
Vampire Moth: A moth whose fluttering foretells the drinking of blood.
Giant Mushrooms: Tree sized mushrooms that produce a fungal material as strong as wood.
Spectre Cap: Large, pale glowing mushrooms.
Glowfruit: A citrus like fruit tree whose fruit glows.
Skultop: A large mushroom that produces toxic spores when anything gets close enough.
Mortal Morel: A source of fungal medicine, a cavern version of herbal medicine that is slightly weaker.
Inkcap: A source of fiber that requires no light to grow.
Bluebell: A hallucinogenic mushroom often taken by tribes.
Water Fungus: Fungi that can grow on water.
Starlight Shroom: Small, dark capped mushrooms with tiny spots that glimmer.
Note: We tweaked glowstool a bit and gave players the ability to grow it so as to have a potato speed/output crop.
Coal: A good source of fuel for generators.
Crystal: Strong crystal that can be used to build a great variety of things.
Beetle Armor: Armor made from chitin, steel, and textiles.
Mole Claw: An item gotten off of dead Moles that can be used to make the Mole Claw Glove and Gauntlet.
Honeydew: A sweet nectar produces by Bovine Beetles.
- English
- Chinese Simplified (by ?)
Jecrell for all his help with code and the many useful bits and bobs in Jecstools. Many more thanks to him for creating the new Logo!
ChickenPlucker for creating the beetle armor.
spdskatr for the code to allow for swimming pawns.
Shotgunfrenzy for tons of help with bugfixing.
Curious™ for the Simplified Chinese translation.