whispers... does that make sense?
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ... Django
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ... to write efficient code!
- 💬 Ask me to ... explain a twisted concept. I can!
- 📫 reach me at: ... [email protected]
- codebreak, is a guessing game with 5 levels. Built using HTML5, CSS3, Vanilla JS and two boring evenings!
- BUGXS.CO, built full stack using JavaScript, Django, Postgres, AWS and Heroku.
- BugetTrack, A simple web app to keep track of the expenses and income. clone project
- Sear-A-pe, enables you to Search a Recipe from the pool available at your finger tips. clone project
- Airline Reservation System, A simple GUI project made in the process of leaning JAVA Swing.