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Discord Bots


Homer is an all-in-one Discord bot designed for all communities. It was born in April 2017 under the name iBot.
The bot uses discord.js as API wrapper and runs on the node.js runtime engine.
Note: I do not provide any help for self-hosting.

Main features

  • Moderation (basic actions with a modlogging).
  • Utility commands (getting information about content, searching for stuff on Google, ...).
  • Easy-to-use profile to share your social networks and a personnal reminder because you must not forget what you wanted to do a minute ago!
  • An advanced poll system with customizable choices, emotes and duration.
  • Translated into multiple languages : English and French. Yes ok it's not a lot but if you wanna get it in your language you can start translating ^_^ (see GitHub).
  • A telephone, yes, get your number and start calling people around Discord (note: they must have the bot and set-up the telephone, of course). Notice: we transmit your calls to the NSA by the way... no jk
  • A dashboard where you can check the latest news about the bot and soon make some cool stuff from here (still in development).

Important notice

To avoid overload due to bot collections, a purge is executed every week. If your guild does not fit the following requirements:

  • 5 minimum members (human accounts)
  • maximum 60% of bots

the bot will leave your guild.


Language Code State Translator(s)
English (United Kingdom) en-gb Finished @iDroid27210
Français (France) fr-fr Finished @iDroid27210


Of course, like any modern systems, Homer can have a bug in its code!
If you ever find a bug, usually the bot do not respond to a command, please join the support server and report it
or you can open an issue here.
But please provide many informations as you can: author ID, guild ID, time if possible, exact command ran, etc.
Thank you for the future bugs you may report ;)


If you wanna contribute to the project, you can fork the repository and make your edits.
However, there are some requirements you have to know :

  • You must respect ESLint rules (AirBnb base with some exceptions, see .eslint-rc.json).
  • The edit must solve a problem or implement a new feature (has to be validated by one of the bot owners).
  • Explain precisely in your pull request what is being edited, added or deleted in the code.


This project is licensed under the GNU AGPL 3.0 license (see LICENSE file).
All the code was made by iDroid27210 with the help of the contributors you can find
on the contributors section of the repository.


If you ever looked into blargbot's source code, you might see that the file organization is almost the same and that's normal : I didn't have any idea about how I could manage all this shit so I took example on Rastimal's work ^_^


An easy-to-use and featureful bot for Discord







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