I developed a user-friendly food recipe app from scratch, curating a vast collection of culinary delights. Through my expertise in UI design and feature development, I crafted an intuitive app that allowed users to explore, save, and recreate delicious recipes from diverse cuisines. The app offered a seamless navigation experience, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable cooking journey for food enthusiasts.
Navigation component : One activity contains multiple fragments instead of creating multiple activites.
Retrofit : : Making HTTP connection with the rest API and convert meal json file to Kotlin/Java object.
Room : Save meals in local database.
MVVM & LiveData : Seperate logic code from views and save the state in case the screen configuration changes.
Coroutines : Do some code in the background.
View Binding : Instead of inflating views manually view binding will take care of that.
Glide : Catch images and load them in imageView.