This is a package to get statsbomb public data into python. Statsbomb themselves have their own pacakge called statsbombpy, which provides similar functionality. I made this package mostly for my own personal use, since I found I was often repeating the same data extraction steps across several projects (I also wrote a lot of these functions before the release of statsbombpy). I will continue to add functionality to this package as I work on new projects.
- pandas 1.0.3
- requests 2.23.0
- numpy 1.18.2
- matplotlib 3.2.1
The package has been deployed to test pypi. If you do not have the dependencies listed above installed, please use the command below.
pip install --index-url --extra-index-url sbdataextraction
You may also install the package using the command below if the dependencies are already satisfied on your local machine.
pip install -i sbdataextraction
Here is a typical workflow I use in my projects. First, I fetch all the data for a league using the fetch_seasons_for_league
from sbdataextraction import sbdataextraction as sbd
# 43 is the competition id for the 2018 FIFA men's world cup
wc_data = sbd.fetch_seasons_for_league(43)
>>> {'2018': {7562: <__main__.Game at 0x1302ddd10>,
7549: <__main__.Game at 0x13125cad0>,
7565: <__main__.Game at 0x132114210>,
This return a data structure mapping seasons to inner dictionaries. The inner dictionaries themselves map game id's to Game
A Game
object has several attributes and methods. The first thing we can do is call the get_shots_for_game
game = wc_data["2018"][8656]
shot id | team_id | team_name | player_id | player_name | play pattern | x start location | y start location | duration | outcome | technique | first time | x gk position | y gk position | type of shot | num opponents within 5 yards | num opponents between shot and goal | statsbomb xg |
6b09b997-06b0-43e7-a47f-13fddf502adc | 768 | England | 3308 | Kieran Trippier | From Free Kick | 96 | 43 | 1.013 | Goal | Normal | FALSE | 120 | 41 | Free Kick | 0 | 3 | 0.12567155 |
c4255cb9-bcbf-4271-9045-078c41fcac07 | 768 | England | 3336 | Harry Maguire | From Corner | 111 | 37 | 1.453 | Off T | Normal | FALSE | 120 | 41 | Open Play | 4 | 2 | 0.021540243 |
We can also call the Game
object's get_events_for_game
method. This will return not only return shots, but passes, carries and ball receipts. However, the number of features related to these events will be less than in the get_shots_for_game
event id | event name | team_id | team_name | player_id | player_name | x start location | y start location | x end location | y end location | statsbomb xg | related events |
f15b138e-9893-4819-94a0-56a1b57e1442 | pass | 768 | England | 3094 | Bamidele Alli | 61 | 41 | 42 | 32 | -1 | ['ce490e3d-bee0-4133-89e6-c55854dfeb8b'] |
ce490e3d-bee0-4133-89e6-c55854dfeb8b | ball receipt* | 768 | England | 3244 | John Stones | 42 | 32 | -1 | -1 | -1 | ['f15b138e-9893-4819-94a0-56a1b57e1442'] |
3467bb61-10ac-4992-8704-7b4dd8954463 | carry | 768 | England | 3244 | John Stones | 42 | 32 | 43 | 32 | -1 | ['722cc584-bbb5-4ac7-a8f6-32dc4d2f9117', 'ce490e3d-bee0-4133-89e6-c55854dfeb8b'] |
Sometimes, I only want to get the data for a specific season, not all the data for a league. In the world cup case above, there was only 1 season. But if I wanted a specific season of Messi's la liga data, I could use the fetch_matches_for_season
# 11 is the competition id for la liga Messi data, and 37 is the season id for 2004/05
season_11_37 = sbd.fetch_matches_for_season(11, 37)
>>> {69153: <__main__.Game at 0x12c24d2d0>,
68313: <__main__.Game at 0x12c281c90>,
68314: <__main__.Game at 0x12cd5d890>,
68315: <__main__.Game at 0x12d732dd0>,
Earlier, I showed it was possible to get the shots for a game using the Game object's get_shots_for_game
method. There is another function I often use, called get_shots_for_season
which gets the shots for all game in a season dictionary. The output of fetch_matches_for_season
just needs to be passed in, as below.
shot id | team_id | team_name | player_id | player_name | play pattern | x start location | y start location | duration | outcome | technique | first time | x gk position | y gk position | type of shot | num opponents within 5 yards | num opponents between shot and goal | statsbomb xg | game_id |
7799b3d3-eb47-4d1f-9a38-2a9891bd991e | 217 | Barcelona | 5216 | Andrés Iniesta Luján | Regular Play | 112.4 | 51.6 | 0.542347 | Goal | Normal | FALSE | 114.7 | 49.4 | Open Play | 2 | 0 | 0.216037 | 69153 |
be5b97e3-fca8-4fb9-99f8-af2e878c8b3b | 217 | Barcelona | 19298 | Samuel Eto"o Fils | From Counter | 114.4 | 59.1 | 0.573428 | Saved | Normal | FALSE | 119.8 | 43.2 | Open Play | 2 | 0 | 0.019256786 | 69153 |
A similar thing can be done with the get_shots_for_league
function to get all shots for a league by passing in the league's dictionary of dictionaries, like wc_data
from the earlier example.
There are also functions to visualize a shot and the opponents around the shot when it was taken. This is done using the draw_pitch
and plot_shot_freeze_frame
functions. We just need to pass in a Game
object whose get_shots_for_game
method has been called, and a shot id for that game.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 10))
sbd.draw_pitch(ax, rotate=True)
sbd.plot_shot_freeze_frame(game,"6b09b997-06b0-43e7-a47f-13fddf502adc", axis=ax)
The official documentation is hosted on Read the Docs:
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the UBC-MDS/cookiecutter-ubc-mds project template, modified from the pyOpenSci/cookiecutter-pyopensci project template and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage.