Community-maintained collection of scripts for REAPER Digital Audio Workstation.
- Argitoth
- beaunus (website, github)
- bfut (github)
- Breeder
- cfillion (website, donate)
- EvilDragon (donate)
- gofer
- HeDa (donate)
- JamesHEure
- juliansader (donate)
- Lokasenna (donate)
- mordi
- mpl (donate)
- Nagasaki45 (website)
- nofish
- planetnine
- spk77 (donate)
- X-Raym (website, donate)
ReaTeam/ReaScripts is compatible with cfillion's ReaPack package manager for REAPER.
This repo is included by default in ReaPack, but if you need to reinstall it manually,
copy and paste this URL in Extensions > ReaPack > Import a repository:
Talk about this repository and ReaTeam in this thread on the REAPER forums:
Check out the package examples and reapack-index's packaging documentation.
- Create a file for your script named
Category Name/username_Name of the Script.lua
(or .eel, .py) - Click on "Propose new file" and create a Pull Request
- Wait for a team member to validate the request (it should be quick)
- If everything is ok... it's done!
See Respository List
- actonDev/Reaper-Scripts
- ambisonictoolkit/atk-reaper
- belangeo/cookdsp
- berthu/ReaScripts
- ChrAfonso/REAPER_punches_and_streamers
- davidhealey/reascript
- GoranKovac/ReaScripts
- indiscipline/reaper_scripts
- JamesHEure/Reascript
- kronihias/ambix
- Lazzle/ReaMIDI
- lossius/js-plugins
- me2beats/rea-me2
- MichaelKlier/KolorEyesOSCSync
- thenfour/ReaperScripts
- tomtjes/ReaScripts: Scripts for Reaper
If you want your repo to appear on this list, simply edit this file and send a pull request.