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Linux basics

Samrat Roy edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 2 revisions


root privileges

The word 'sudo' sometimes comes in front of other commands. This signifies that the command is to be run as 'superuser'. This is sometimes also referred to as 'root privileges', which is somewhat comparable to administrator privileges on windows. However, prefacing a command with 'sudo' will allow you to do virtually everything, such as deleting all system files and rendering your operating system useless. So don't just use it for everything!

.bashrc file

The .bashrc file is a collection of instructions that are executed every time you open a new terminal. This makes it the ideal place to define environment variables (e.g. names that refer to the location of ROS packages), IP addresses and even execute code that you want to run everytime before you perform command line operations. The .bashrc file is located in the home directory, and is hidden by default (by pressing Ctrl+H you can view hidden files in the graphical file navigator).

Everytime you make changes in the .bashrc file, they are not automatically applied to the terminal you are currently working in. To apply the changes, you can either open a new terminal (and close the current one) or execute source ~/.bashrc in your current terminal.


Secure Shell or SSH is a protocol that enables encrypted logins to a remote PC. This means that it can be used to remotely execute commands. Essentially, it provides access to a remote computers terminal. It is especially useful for systems that run headless (without a monitor), such as the computers typically present on mobile robots.

On Linux and mac, SSH is a built-in command. In windows, third party programs such as PuTTY provide similar functionality.

Important commands

Modern Linux distributions often come with a rich graphical interface that enable you to perform a lot of tasks with point-and-click operations. Moving to a text-based environment may seem like a step back. However, graphical interfaces tend to simplify things, whereas the command line allows for more difficult operations. Additionally, instructions can be collected into a single file called a 'script', which means you can automate everyday tasks like copying files, logging information or pinging servers.

Knowledge of the command line is essential for ROS developers. A significant number of basic ROS tools have a command line interface, and you will find yourself using them often. ROS-specific commands are explained in the first tutorial of the workshop. Below you will find some general Linux commands that may be usefull.


ls: list the files in the current directory

pwd: print name of current directory

cd: change working directory

Working with files

mkdir: create a directory/make directories

touch: change file timestamps/create empty files

cp: copy files and directories

mv: move (rename) files

rm: remove files or directories

rmdir: remove empty directories

Text files

cat: concatenate files and print on the standard output

nano: command line text editor

Getting help

man: an interface to the on-line reference manuals

adding --h or --help to a command often opens documentation in the command line. Example: ls --help


Ctrl+alt+T: Open a terminal in a new window

Ctrl+Shift+T: Open a terminal in a new tab (only after opening a terminal window)

Ctrl+C: kill a running command

Ctrl+D: signal bash that there is no more input

Ctrl+L: redraw the screen


history: display bash command history

sudo: execute a command as the superuser

chmod: change permissions of a file