- Bootcamp -
- Registry -
- Docs -
- Logs - The error (e.g. can't write to db-1)
- Metrics - The technical why (e.g. High CPU)
- Traces - The context (e.g. The path within the system)
One specification, implemented for each programming language
Main Steps:
- Collect data about the application
- Propogate context between services (distributed systems)
- Ship data
- Instrumentation
- Sampler
- Propagator + Context
- Resources + Detectors
- Tracer
- Acts as a pipeline, Read/Update/Delete
- Enforce sampling
- Example: BatchSpanProcessor -> queues spans before then flushing to exporter, providing performance benefits compared to SimpleSpanProcessor
- Send the data from SDK
- Authorisation
- Protocols: HTTP and gRPC
- Formats: JSON and proto
- Patch / attach to library
- Collect data at runtime
- Produce spans (based on specification and semantic conventions)
- May offer additional configuration/features
- Auto Instrumentation -> Listed in OpenTelemetry Registry (
- Manual Instrumentation -> Manually write instrumentation (set span start/end, set status, add attributes and add events etc.)
Add specific metadata at instrumentation stage (add user defined details to span) Detectors
- Predefined classes for collecting data
- Specific metadata detected can be then merged with any resources and applied to the tracer
- Determine when to sample or not
- Respect upstream services decisions
- AlwaysOn / AlwaysOff
- Parent Based
- Trace ID Ratio
Objects used to read and write context data to and from messages exchanged by applications
- Inject context on outgoing activities
- Extract context from incoming activities
- Often completed via HTTP headers
Trace Context (Required)
Refers to metadata defined to allow for correlating trace information across service boundaries
- Version
- Trace ID
- Span ID (parent span)
- Trace Flags (sampling)
- Trace State (vendor specific information)
Baggage / Correlation Context (Optional)
- Sending key value pair along with trace context
- Use cases: "Decision" made upstream; business oriented data; upstream services
Collector Gateway - Different host to app Collector Agent - Same host as app
- Define how data is being received (e.g. OTLP)
- Define listening port
- Gets data from receiver and moves to exporter / another processor
- Batch, Sampler, etc.
- Used to control rate / alter data / sample
- Exclusive ownership vs Shared ownership (cloning data from receiver to multiple processors)
- Order of processors used is important
- Add additional attributes
- Define how data will be sent (e.g. OTLP)
- Export to console, vendors etc.
- Extra functions not related to collector pipelines
- Health check, performance extension (logging performance data) etc.
- Define extensions used
- Define pipelines of receivers, processors (can be multiple), exporters
Example configuration App (containing OTEL SDK implementation) -> OTEL Collector Agent -> OTEL Collector Gateway -> ElasticSearch
What percentage of traces do you wish to collect? Can be configured based on log level to reduce cost (e.g. collect 10% of all traces (get application baseline) + 100% of all ERROR level traces)
Sample when span starts (SDK - spanStart()) Completed during processor Use cases:
- Only specific routes (only traces with user.paying etc.)
Sample when traces are completed (Collector - Processor) (Above 10% + 100% example would require sampling at collector level to understand whether a trace has errored) Use cases:
- Only errors
- Above certain latency
Simple implementation
- Single collector Resilient implementation
- More complex when using Load Balancer and multiple collectors as spans will be across multiple collectors preventing trace identification
- Optimal Solution: 2 layers of collectors using otel collector load balancers behind load balancer to send related spans to same collector
Sampling Performance - refer to OpenTelemetry Github
Monitor Cost based on spans and underlying infrastructure / resources cost when implementing OpenTelemetry
- Is important and has a duration
- Has a start and end time
Span attributes
- Missing data without a duration
Span events
- An event that takes place within a span
- Takes place at a single point in time