This repository contains code to build a Streamlit web app that serves an Iris classifier.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- You have a Windows/Linux/Mac machine running Python 3.6+.
- You have installed the latest versions of
To install the dependencies, you can simply follow this steps.
Clone the project repository:
git clone
cd streamlit-example
To create and activate the virtual environment, follow these steps:
Using conda
$ conda create -n streamlit python=3.7
# Activate the virtual environment:
$ conda activate streamlit
# To deactivate (when you're done):
(streamlit)$ conda deactivate
Using virtualenv
# In this case I'm supposing that your latest python3 version is 3.7
$ virtualenv streamlit --python=python3
# Activate the virtual environment:
$ source streamlit/bin/activate
# To deactivate (when you're done):
(streamlit)$ deactivate
To install the requirements using pip
, once the virtual environment is active:
(streamlit)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, if you want to run the main script:
(streamlit)$ streamlit run
Please feel free to use this repo as a template to extend code!