List of Available Assignments:
Implement a class Complex which represents the Complex Number data type. Implement the following
- Constructor (including a default constructor which creates the complex number 0+0i).
- Overloaded operator+ to add two complex numbers.
- Overloaded operator* to multiply two complex numbers.4. Overloaded << and >> to print and read Complex Numbers.
Write a C++ program create a calculator for an arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /). The program should take two operands from user and performs the operation on those two operands depending upon the operator entered by user. Use a switch statement to select the operation. Finally, display the result.
Develop an object oriented program in C++ to create a database of student information system containing the following information: Name, Roll number, Class, division, Date of Birth, Blood group, Contact address, telephone number, driving license no. and other. Construct the database with suitable member functions for initializing and destroying the data viz constructor, default constructor, Copy constructor, destructor, static member functions, friend class, this pointer, inline code and dynamic memory allocation operators-new and delete.
Write C++ program to draw a concave polygon and fill it with desired color using scan fill algorithm.
Write C++ program to implement Cohen Southerland line clipping algorithm.
Write C++ program to draw the following pattern. Use DDA and Bresenham‘s Line drawing algorithm
Write a C++ program that creates an output file, writes information to it, closes the file andopen it again as an input file and read the information from the file.
Write a function template selection Sort. Write a program that inputs, sorts and outputs an integer array and a float array.
Write C++ program to draw 2-D object and perform following basic transformations, Scaling b) Translation c) Rotation. Use operator overloading.
Write C++ program to generate snowflake using concept of fractals using basic concepts of Object oriented programming
Write C++ program using STL for sorting and searching with user defined records such as person record(Name, DOB, Telephone number), Item record (Item code, name, cost,quantity) using vector container
Write a program in C++ to use map associative container. The keys will be the names of states, and the values will be the populations of the states. When the program runs, the user is prompted to type the name of a state. The program then looks in the map, using the state name as an index, and returns the population of the state
In second year computer engineering class, group A student’s play cricket, group B students play badminton and group C students play football. Write a Python program using functions to compute following: - a) List of students who play both cricket and badminton b) List of students who play either cricket or badminton but not both c) Number of students who play neither cricket nor badminton d) Number of students who play cricket and football but not badminton. (Note- While realizing the group, duplicate entries should be avoided, Do not use SET built-in functions)
Write a Python program to compute following operations on String: a) To display word with the longest length b) To determines the frequency of occurrence of particular character in the string c) To check whether given string is palindrome or not d) To display index of first appearance of the substring e) To count the occurrences of each word in a given string
Write a python program to compute following computation on matrix: a) Addition of two matrices b) Subtraction of two matrices c) Multiplication of two matrices d) Transpose of a matrix
a) Write a pythonprogram to store roll numbers of student in array who attended training program in random order. Write function for searching whether particular student attended training program or not, using Linear search and Sentinel search. b) Write a python program to store roll numbers of student array who attended training program in sorted order. Write function for searching whether particular student attended training program or not, using Binary search and Fibonacci search
Write a python program to store second year percentage of students in array. Write function for sorting array of floating point numbers in ascending order using a) Insertion sort b) Shell Sort and display top five scores
Write a python program to store first year percentage of students in array. Write function for sorting array of floating point numbers in ascending order using quick sort and display top five scores.
Write C++ program for storing appointment schedule for day. Appointments are booked randomly using linked list. Set start and end time and min and max duration for visit slot. Write functions fora) Display free slots b) Book appointment c) Cancel appointment ( check validity, time bounds, availability) d) Sort list based on time e) Sort list based on time using pointer manipulation
Write C++ program for storing binary number using doubly linked lists. Write functions a) To compute 1‘s and 2‘s complement b) Add two binary numbers
In any language program mostly syntax error occurs due to unbalancing delimiter such as (),{},[]. Write C++ program using stack to check whether given expression is well parenthesized or not
Implement C++ program for expression conversion as infix to postfix and its evaluation using stack based on given conditions:
- Operands and operator, both must be single character.
- Input Postfix expression must be in a desired format.
- Only '+', '-', '*' and '/ ' operators are expected
Queues are frequently used in computer programming, and a typical example is the creation of a job queue by an operating system. If the operating system does not use priorities, then the jobs are processed in the order they enter the system. Write C++ program for simulating job queue. Write functions to add job and delete job from queue.