简单的git自定义提交工具, 如commitizen
npm i rcz-cli
"scripts": {
"rcz": "rcz"
messages 为 提交执行的流程顺序 根据type寻找json中是否配置选项
"ChangeType": [
{"value": "feat", "name": "feat: A new feature"},
{"value": "fix", "name": "fix: A bug fix"},
{"value": "docs", "name": "docs: Documentation only changes"},
{"value": "style", "name": "style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code\n (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)"},
{"value": "refactor", "name": "refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature"},
{"value": "perf", "name": "perf: A code change that improves performance"},
{"value": "test", "name": "test: Adding missing tests"},
{"value": "chore", "name": "chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools\n and libraries such as documentation generation"},
{"value": "revert", "name": "revert: Revert to a commit"},
{"value": "WIP", "name": "WIP: Work in progress"}
"Scopes": [
{"value": "accounts", "name": "描述1"},
{"value": "admin", "name": "描述2"},
{"value": "exampleScope", "name": "描述3"},
{"value": "changeMe", "name": "描述4"}
"messages": [
{"index": 1, "type": "MissionId", "placeholder": "请输入任务ID"},
{"index": 2, "type": "ChangeType", "placeholder": "请选择变更类型"},
{"index": 3, "type": "Scopes", "placeholder": "请输入变更范围"},
{"index": 4, "type": "Subject", "placeholder": "请入变更概述"}