A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java.
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Kotlin/ktor - Web backend framework for Kotlin.
TinyMission/kara - Web framework written in Kotlin.
jean79/yested - A Kotlin framework for building web applications in Javascript.
hhariri/wasabi - An HTTP Framework built with Kotlin for the JVM.
Kotlin/kotlinx.html - Kotlin DSL for HTML.
MarioAriasC/KotlinPrimavera - Spring support libraries for Kotlin.
kohesive/kovert - An invisible, super easy and powerful REST and Web framework over Vert.x or Undertow.
JetBrains/spek - A specification framework for Kotlin.
npryce/hamkrest - A reimplementation of Hamcrest to take advantage of Kotlin language features.
nhaarman/mockito-kotlin - Using Mockito with Kotlin.
MarkusAmshove/Kluent - Fluent Assertion-Library for Kotlin.
winterbe/expekt - BDD assertion library for Kotlin.
kotlintest/kotlintest - KotlinTest is a flexible and comprehensive testing tool for the Kotlin ecosystem based on and heavily inspired by the superb Scalatest.
SalomonBrys/Kodein - Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection .
kohesive/injekt - Dependency Injection / Object Factory for Kotlin
MarioAriasC/funKTionale - Functional constructs for Kotlin.
ReactiveX/RxKotlin - RxJava bindings for Kotlin.
kittinunf/Result - The modelling for success/failure of operations in Kotlin.
brianegan/bansa - A state container for Kotlin & Java, inspired by Elm & Redux.
cbeust/klaxon - Lightweight library to parse JSON in Kotlin.
SalomonBrys/Kotson - Gson for Kotlin, Kotson enables you to parse and write JSON with Google’s Gson using a conciser and easier syntax.
FasterXML/jackson-module-kotlin - Jackson module that adds support for serialization/deserialization of Kotlin classes and data classes.
fboldog/ext4klaxon - Type Extensions (Long, Int, Enum, Date) for Klaxon.
JetBrains/Exposed - Exposed is a prototype for a lightweight SQL library written over JDBC driver for Kotlin language.
cheptsov/kotlin-nosql - NoSQL database query and access library for Kotlin.
jankotek/mapdb - MapDB provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap-memory. It is a fast and easy to use embedded Java database engine.
seratch/kotliquery - A handy database access library in Kotlin.
andrewoma/kwery - Kwery is an SQL library for Kotlin.
square/sqldelight - Generates Java models from CREATE TABLE statements.
Kotlin/dokka - Documentation Engine for Kotlin.
Levelmoney/kbuilders - KBuilders turns your Java builders into beautiful Type-Safe Builders.
holgerbrandl/kscript - Scripting utils for Kotlin.
edvin/tornadofx - Lightweight JavaFX Framework for Kotlin/
griffon/griffon-kotlin-plugin - Griffon Support
AlmasB/FXGL - JavaFX 8 Game Library written in Java + Kotlin
kittinunf/Fuel - The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android.
jkcclemens/khttp - Kotlin HTTP requests library.
JetBrains/intellij-community - IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
alexmt/atom-kotlin-language - Adds syntax highlighting to Kotlin files in Atom
vkostyukov/kotlin-sublime-package - A Sublime Package for Kotlin.
udalov/kotlin-vim - Kotlin Syntax Highlighter for Vim.
sargunster/kotlin-textmate-bundle - Kotlin bundle for TextMate.
Kotlin/kotlinx.reflect.lite - Lightweight library allowing to introspect basic stuff about Kotlin symbols.
puniverse/quasar - Fibers, Channels and Actors for the JVM.
MehdiK/Humanizer.jvm - Humanizer.jvm meets all your jvm needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.
mplatvoet/kovenant - Promises for Kotlin and Android
kohesive/klutter - A mix of random small libraries for Kotlin, the smallest reside here until big enough for their own repository.
kohesive/solr-undertow - Solr Standalone Tiny and High performant server.
leprosus/kotlin-hashids - Library that generates short, unique, non-sequential hashes from numbers.
mplatvoet/progress - Progress for Kotlin.
leprosus/kotlin-cli - Kotlin-CLI - command line interface options parser for Kotlin.
sargunster/CakeParse - Simple parser combinator library for Kotlin.
sargunster/KtUnits - Tiny unit conversion library for Kotlin.
hotchemi/khronos - An intuitive Date extensions in Kotlin.
ssoudan/ktSpringTest - Basic Spring Boot app in Kotlin.
IRus/kotlin-dev-proxy - Simple server for proxy requests and host static files written in Kotlin, Spark Java and Apache HttpClient.
cbeust/kobalt - Build system inspired by Gradle.
brikk/brikk - Brikk dependency manager (Kotlin, KotlinJS, Java, …).
Kotlin/kotlin-koans - Kotlin Koans are a series of exercises to get you familiar with the Kotlin Syntax.
JetBrains/kotlin-examples - Various examples for Kotlin
JetBrains/swot - Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities. Help automate the process of approving or rejecting academic discounts.
robfletcher/midcentury-ipsum - Swingin’ filler text for your jet-age web page.
robfletcher/lazybones-kotlin - The Lazybones app migrated to Kotlin as a learning exercise.
wangjiegulu/KotlinAndroidSample - Android sample with kotlin.
dodyg/Kotlin101 - 101 examples for Kotlin Programming language.
Kotlin/anko - Pleasant Android application development.
JakeWharton/kotterknife - View injection library for Android
nsk-mironov/kotlin-jetpack - A collection of useful extension methods for Android.
pawegio/KAndroid - Kotlin library for Android providing useful extensions to eliminate boilerplate code.
chibatching/Kotpref - Android SharedPreference delegation for Kotlin.
TouK/bubble - Library for obtaining screen orientation when orientation is blocked in AndroidManifest.
ragunathjawahar/kaffeine - Kaffeine is a Kotlin-flavored Android library for accelerating development.
mcxiaoke/kotlin-koi - Koi, a lightweight kotlin library for Android Development.
BennyWang/KBinding - Android View Model binding framework write in kotlin, base on anko, simple but powerful.
inaka/KillerTask - Android AsyncTask wrapper library, written in Kotlin.
grandstaish/paperparcel - Boilerplate reduction library written specifically for working with Kotlin data classes on Android.
nekocode/kotgo - An android development framwork on kotlin using MVP architecture.
antoniolg/Bandhook-Kotlin - A showcase music app for Android entirely written using Kotlin language.
antoniolg/Kotlin-for-Android-Developers - Companion App for the book "Kotlin Android Developers"
damianpetla/kotlin-dagger-example - Example of Android project showing integration with Kotlin and Dagger 2.
dodyg/AndroidRivers - RSS Readers for Android.
MakinGiants/banjen-android-banjo-tuner - App that plays sounds helping to tune a brazilian banjo.
inaka/kotlillon - Android Kotlin Examples
MakinGiants/todayhistory - App that shows what happened today in history.
RxKotlin/Pocket - This app help user to save links easily, and can export to Evernote as weekly.
Stockholm Kotlin User Group - Sweden
Kotlin Developers in Manchester - United Kingdom
Belarus Kotlin User Group - Belarus
Kotlin User Group Munich - Deutschland
Japan Kotlin User Group - Japan
Code improvements with Kotlin - Nicolas Frankel
Few thoughts about Kotlin and why I like it so much - Dhananjay Nene
Kotlin for Scala Developers - Stephen Samuel
Kotlin Post-1.0 Roadmap - Dmitry Jemerov
Making Android Development Easier - Maan Najjar
The Kobalt diaries: Automatic Android SDK management - Cédric Beust
Kotlin Digest 2016.Q1 - Roman Belov
Kotlin: Practical Experience - Allen Wallis
Kotlin’s killer features - Jasper Sprengers
Exploring Delegation in Kotlin - @codemonkeyism
Experimental: Kotlin and mutation testing - Nicolas Frankel
10 Features I Wish Java Would Steal From the Kotlin Language - Lukas Eder
Ubuntu Make 16.03 Released With Eclipse JEE And IntelliJ IDEA EAP Support, More - Alin Andrei
Kotlin’s Android Roadmap - Dmitry Jemerov
Rest API plumbing with kotlin - Gaetan Zoritchak
Creating an AndroidWear watchface using Kotlin - Roberto Perez
Writing a RESTful backend using Kotlin and Spring Boot - Dimitar Kotevski
How to Hot Deploy Java/Kotlin classes in Dev - Jan Vladimir Mostert
(RU) Андрей Бреслав и Дмитрий Жемеров о Kotlin 1.0 на jug.msk.ru - Дмитрий Белобородов
A Geospatial Messenger with Kotlin, Spring Boot and PostgreSQL - Sébastien Deleuze
Algebraic Data Types In Kotlin - Mike Gehard
Kotlin Month Post 4: Properties - Jacob Zimmerman
Kotlin Educational Plugin - Roman Belov
Using Kotlin For Tests in Android - Sergii Zhuk
Kotlin 1.0.1 is Here! - Andrey Breslav
Kotlin recipes for Android (I): OnGlobalLayoutListener - Antonio Leiva
Kotlin : Retrofit + RxAndroid + Realm - Ahmed Rizwan
Kotlin & Android: A Brass Tacks Experiment Wrap-Up - Doug Stevenson
Kotlin Month Post 3: Safety - Jacob Zimmerman
Feedback on the Josephus problem - Nicolas Frankel
(RU) SDCast #41: в гостях Андрей Бреслав, руководитель проекта Kotlin в компании JetBrains - Андрей Бреслав, Константин Буркалев
Why I don’t want to use Kotlin for Android Development yet - Artem Zinnatullin
Getting Started with Kotlin and Anko on Android - Donn Felker
A DSL Workbench with Gradle and Kotlin - Eugene Petrenko
Kotlin & Android: A Brass Tacks Experiment, Part 6 - Doug Stevenson
Solving the Josephus problem in Kotlin - Nicolas Franke
Kotlin Month Post 2: Inheritance and Defaults - Jacob Zimmerman
Building a Kotlin project 2/2 - Ciro Rizzo
Building a Kotlin project 1/2 - Ciro Rizzo
(RU) Видео со встречи JUG.ru с разработчиками Kotlin - JetBrains
Kotlin: a new JVM language you should try - Rafal Gancarz
(RU) Kotlin для начинающих - @Devcolibri
Kotlin & Android: A Brass Tacks Experiment, Part 5 - Doug Stevenson
Developing on Android sucks a lot less with Kotlin - Kuno Qing
The Journey of a Spring Boot application from Java 8 to Kotlin, part 3: Data Classes - Mike Gehard
Как себе выстрелить в ногу в Kotlin - @ov7a
Kotlin and Ceylon - Elvira
Kotlin Month Post 1: Assorted Features - Jacob Zimmerman
Kotlin - 2 Years On - James Hughes
The Journey of a Spring Boot application from Java 8 to Kotlin, part 2: Configuration Classes - Mike Gehard
An Introduction to Kotlin - Mike Plummer
Kotlin 1.0 is finally released! - Jacob Zimmerman
More Kotlin Features to Love - Jim Baca
A Very Peculiar, but Possibly Cunning Kotlin Language Feature. - Lukas Eder
Kotlin: Easily storing a list in SharedPreferences with Custom Accessors - Dennis Lysenko
Kotlin — Love at first line - Dimitar Kotevski
(RU) Радио-Т 484 - Umputun, Bobuk, Gray, Ksenks
(RU) DevZen Podcast: Kotlin и Vulkan 1.0 — Episode 0080. - DevZen Podcast
The Kobalt diaries: testing - Cédric Beust
(RU) Немного о Kotlin. - @fogone
Using Mockito for unit testing with Kotlin (1/x) - MAKINGIANTS
Weekend resources for new Kotlin programmers - Joey deVilla
(RU) Kotlin 1.0. Задай вопрос команде. - Роман Белов
Kotlin & Android: A Brass Tacks Experiment, Part 3. - Doug Stevenson
Kotlin 1.0: The good, the bad and the evident. - Gabriela Motroc
(RU) Релиз Kotlin 1.0, языка программирования для JVM и Android. - Open Source
JVM Newcomer Kotlin 1.0 is GA - Lucy Carey
Developing Spring Boot applications with Kotlin. - Sébastien Deleuze
Kotlin 1.0 Released: Pragmatic Language for JVM and Android - Andrey Breslav
The Journey of a Spring Boot application from Java 8 to Kotlin: The Application Class - Mike Gehard
(RU) Podcast Разбор Полетов: Episode 102 — Kotlin, тесты и здоровый сон. - Dmitry Jemerov, Viktor Gamov, Alexey Abashev, Anton Arphipov, Dmitry Churbanov, Anton Arhipov
Kotlin & Android: A Brass Tacks Experiment, Part 4 - Doug Stevenson
Kotlin 1.0 Release Candidate is Out! - Andrey Breslav
Kotlin Coding - Ciro Rizzo
10 Kotlin Tutorials for Beginners: Dive Into Kotlin Programming - Peter Sommerhoff
Kotlin & Android: A Brass Tacks Experiment, Part 2. - Doug Stevenson
Kotlin & Android: A Brass Tacks Experiment, Part 1. - Doug Stevenson
KillerTask, the solution to AsyncTask implementation - Fernando Ramirez
My Kotlin Adventure - Ciro Rizzo
Mimicking Kotlin Builders in Java and Python - Jacob Zimmerman
Android development with Kotlin - Fernando Ramirez
Kotlin, the somewhat obscure modern Android-friendly programming language - Brandon Kase
Playing with Spring Boot, Vaadin and Kotlin - Nicolas Frankel
Kotlin XML Binding - Eugene Petrenko
Kotlin for Java Developers: 10 Features You Will Love About Kotlin - Peter Sommerhoff
Setting up Kotlin with Android and tests - Laura Kogler
Exploring the Kotlin standard library - Cédric Beust
Kotlin ❤ FP - Mike Hearn
Building APIs on the JVM Using Kotlin and Spark – Part 1 - Travis Spencer
(RU) Без слайдов: интервью с Дмитрием Жемеровым из JetBrains - Алексей Фёдоров
Android + Kotlin = <3 - Michael Sattler
Why Kotlin is my next programming language - Mike Hearn
Exploring Kotlin - Peter Ledbrook
RxAndroid and Kotlin (Part 1) - Ahmed Rizwan
Quasar and Kotlin - a Powerful Match - Fabio
Non-trivial constructors in Kotlin - Alex Shabanov
The Advent of Kotlin: A Conversation with JetBrains' Andrey Breslav - Janice J. Heiss
Exploring the Kotlin Standard Library - Part 3 - Jamie McCrindle
Exploring the Kotlin Standard Library - Part 2 - Jamie McCrindle
The Adventurous Developer’s Guide to JVM languages – Kotlin - Simon Maple
Exploring the Kotlin Standard Library - Part 1 - Jamie McCrindle
Functional Programming with Kotlin - Roman Belov
Fun with Kotlin - Eder Bastos
Kotlin NoSQL for MongoDB in Action - Andrey Cheptsov
JVMLS 2015 - Flexible Types in Kotlin - Andrey Breslav
Kotlin for Java developers - Hadi Hariri
Kotlin vs Java puzzlers - Svetlana Isakova
Kotlin DSL: Anko - @maciekjanusz
Kotlin: New Hope in a Java 6 Wasteland - Michael Pardo
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