This project implements a ROS-based GUI to control a robotic manipulator using the AR2 arm model. The CAD model was imported into SolidWorks, where the links and joints were defined, then converted to a URDF file. The arm is controlled using the MoveIt package, with real-time motion planning and execution managed via a custom ROS GUI.
This project focuses on providing a graphical interface to control the AR2 robotic arm using ROS. The robotic arm's model is defined through a URDF, configured with the MoveIt package for motion planning and control. The GUI allows for intuitive manipulation, offering features such as forward and inverse kinematics, and real-time control of the robotic arm's movements.
- URDF Modeling: The AR2 robotic arm model defined with URDF.
- MoveIt Integration: Full MoveIt configuration for motion planning and collision avoidance.
- ROS GUI: A user-friendly GUI to control the manipulator's movements.
- Real-time Visualization: Real-time visualization and control in RViz.
Ensure the following dependencies are installed:
- ROS Noetic
packagesudo apt-get install ros-noetic-moveit
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Build the project:
cd ROS-Arm-manipulator-gui
- Source the workspace:
source devel/setup.bash
Launch MoveIt for AR2 Arm To launch the MoveIt configuration for the AR2 robotic arm and start controlling the arm using the GUI:
roslaunch AR2_Robot_Assembly gazebo.launch
roslaunch arm_pdg demo.launch
Figure 1: Robotic arm in gazebo.
Figure 2: Real-time visualization in RViz.
Watch a demo of the robot in action on YouTube:
Contributions are welcome! Open issues or submit pull requests to improve the project.