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This is a CKAN plugin to implement additional metadata fields (schema) specifically for SAERI.

It displays the fields for entering metadata on the dataset create/update page and displays the (non-empty) fields on the dataset display page. Some of the SAERI fields re-use existing CKAN metadata fields (eg. Description which is renamed to Abstract, Tags which is renamed to Keywords, Topic Category becomes a CKAN group which is displayed as Theme) and the rest are additional.

One unique feature is that the bounding box which the user enters into the four fields (east, west, north, south) is converted into a GeoJSON format and stored in the CKAN extra 'spatial' field which allows the user to search for datasets by specifying an area on a map. The Spatial Reference System is used to determine whether the coordinates are lat,long degrees or metres in a UTM projection. At the moment only certain SRS are supported:

  • "WGS84", "UTM 21S WGS84" (becomes epsg:32721)
  • "UTM 28S WGS84" (becomes epsg:32728)
  • "World Mercator WGS84 Datum" (becomes epsg:3395)
  • "TM CM 60W" (becomes epsg:6703)
  • "Montserrat 1958 British West Indies Grid" (becomes epsg:2004).

There is a mapping between the metadata field called 'topic_category' and the CKAN concept of Groups. Groups are used to group together all datasets which share a common theme, eg. Biota, and so is synonymous with topic category. (However, normally, ckan datasets can be a member of multiple groups but SAERI topic category is only a single selection). The schema plugin uses the SAERI extra metadata field 'topic_category' to force the dataset to be a member of the corresponding ckan group automatically. The groups must already exist! (see Installation and tools directory). If the user manually adds a dataset to multiple other groups this will be allowed but if the dataset metadata is subsequently updated then the group membership will be reset to the topic_category group only.

The schema plugin has the ability to restrict download access for the resources of a dataset to members of an organisation or specific named users. Note that the list of users must be comma-separated without any spaces. This feature has a dependency on the 'restricted' plugin (see below for installation).


First activate your virtual environment, then:

pip install pyproj
cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src
git clone
cd ckanext-saerischema
python develop

then add saerischema to the ckan.plugins line in your ckan config file and restart the web server with sudo service apache2 restart

Now the restricted extension needs to be installed:

cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src
git clone
cd ckanext-restricted
python develop
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

then add restricted to the ckan.plugins line in your ckan config file and restart the web server with sudo service apache2 restart

If you get an Internal Server Error after restarting apache then check the error log /var/log/apache2/ckan_default.error.log and it might show an IOError Permission Denied trying to update a translation file, eg. fr.js. If so use sudo chmod 666 filename where the filename is the full path name shown in the error log such as /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/public/base/i18n/fr.js

See the CKAN documentation for installing the spatial plugins.


The restricted plugin needs to be able to send emails so please make sure you have configured CKAN appropriately, see


Update your local copy of the schema extention using:

cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-saerischema
git pull
sudo service apache2 restart

In the unlikely event that the restricted plugin has been updated then you can update your local copy:

cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-restricted
git pull
sudo service apache2 restart

Customising the schema

Warning: do not modify the schema itself once you have started populating the database. It might work but it might not.

The set of additional fields (i.e. additional to those which CKAN already provides such as Description/Abstract) is listed in the file ckanext/saerischema/metadata_form_fields.txt (note: tab separated). The fields will be displayed on the CKAN dataset page in the same order as given in this file. Each field has a title and a helpful description. Most of the fields are implemented as free-form text entry (i.e. not validated or constrained) but some are implemented as drop-down menus. These menus have values as given in the other txt files in the ckanext/saerischema directory. If you edit any of these files you need to re-run the ckanext/saerischema/ script. It is the script which determines which fields are implemented as menus. If you no longer want a menu, or you want to change a field from a plain text entry into a menu, then the script will have to be edited.

Important note about the schema. It is usually very important that consistent entries are made into the database for similar/identical items. For example if a dataset is in English then the database should record English, not Inglish, Anglais or anything else, even though they all mean "English". For this reason a drop-down menu is helpful to constrain the entry. The menu description files have the database key and the human-readable description together for each item. Once you have started populating the database do not change the database keys. For example the country code for South Georgia is "GS" so do not store "SG".

There are some HTML files in ckanext/saerischema/templates/package/snippets but these should not be edited. They have been customised to display certain fields in the correct place on the page but most of the contents are modified automatically by the script described above.


The ckanext/saerischema directory contains a with more details.

The ckanext/saerischema/tools directory contains some utilities and a with more details.