is a Python module that provides a framework for defining
ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and solving these differential
equations using Runge-Kutta methods.
- Python 3
- Numpy
- matplotlib for examples
The module can be installed via pip
. If you want to develop this
package, install the module in "editable" mode, i.e., add the -e
flag to the install
directive below
- Clone the repository from GitHub and install it
git clone
pip install --user python-runge-kutta
- Install the module directly from GitHub
pip install --user
The installed module is available under the name rungekutta
This example shows how to to solve one of the provided ODE examples with an already implemented Runge-Kutta method. We use the explicit Euler method:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from rungekutta import rungekuttamethods as rk
from rungekutta import ordinarydifferentialequations as odes
# Start time
t0 = 0
# Time step size
dt = 2**-4
# End time
t_end = 4
# Initialize a simple ode y'(t) = y - 2*sin(t) as problem
ode = odes.SimpleODE()
# Initialize explicit Euler method as solver
ode_solver = rk.ExplicitEuler()
# Solve the ODE
y, time_arr, _ = rk.solve_ode(ode_solver, ode, t0, dt, t_end, verbose=False)
y = y.flatten()
# Plot solution using matplotlib
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.title(f"Solution of a simple ODE")
ax.plot(time_arr, y, label=f"{ode_solver.get_name()}", marker="o")
# Plot the exact solution of the problem for comparison
x = np.linspace(t0, t_end)
ax.plot(x, ode.exact_solution(x), label="Exact solution")
plt.xlabel("Time $t$")
plt.ylabel("Solution $y(t)$")
ax.set_xlim([t0 - 0.1, t_end + 0.1])
ax.set_ylim([-3.5, 2.0])
For more examples check out the examples/
directory in the repository.