🚨 This SDK is no longer maintained 🚨
GrowthPush is push notification and analysis platform for smart devices. GrowthPush SDK for Ruby provides registration function of client devices and events.
gem install growthpush
require 'growth_push';
growth_push = GrowthPush.new(YOUR_APP_ID,'YOUR_APP_SECRET')
client = growth_push.create_client('DEVICE_TOKEN','ios')
If you want to track events of client devices, the following code are useful.
event = growth_push.create_event('DEVICE_TOKEN', 'Launch')
You can tag the devices.
tag = growth_push.create_tag('DEVICE_TOKEN', 'Gender', 'male')
That's all. Client devices can be browsed with dashboard. You can send push notifications to the devices and analyze the events.
Licensed under the Apache License.