The site for graduation project selection in UM-SJTU JI.
The program is using python3.
Clone the git
git clone
cd Graduation_project_selection_site
Run the install script
# ./
Then install and config the program as the instruction. After installation, run
Now you can visit http://localhost:portnumber. The port is set in config.yaml
We need
- Python3
- Tornado
- mysql.connector
- openpyxl
- PyYaml
To manually install them,
pip install tornado openpyxl PyYaml mysql-connector-python
Firstly, clone the repo. We do not need npm
now since dependencies have been added into this repo now (will be removed).
git clone
cd Graduation_project_selection_site
Secondly, specify your database and localhost config.
cp config.yaml.example config.yaml
vim config.yaml
and type your own config. Then use the sample.dump file to recover the sql server. For example:
mysql -uyouraccountname -ppassword database < ./sample.dump
Now, you can run the server
and visit http://localhost:8080. The port is set in config.yaml
See the nginx.conf as the sample of configuration and config the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file as needed.