This service is responsible for managing friendships. Within this service, friendships are created between users and a list of possible friends for each user. The service provides all the functionality related to the friends section of our social network.
- Java version 11
- Spring Framework
- Flyway
- Lombok
- Mapstruct
- Spring Data JPA
- PostgreSQL
- Spring Security
- Spring Cloud OpenFeign
- Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka
- JWT(JsonWebToken)
- Nexus repository
- Kafka
- Swagger OpenApi
- JUnit
- (Pre-configuring the PostgreSQL database) Specify in the application.yaml file, or in the environment variables in your IDE, the required application configuration parameters to run:
- SERVER_PORT (The port of your application. Specify it manually if you are not going to use the default port: 8086)
- DB_PASSWORD (Password for the database)
- DB_URL (The address of the database your application connects to. You should specify it manually if you are not going to use default postgresql url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/friend_service)
- KAFKA_HOST(The address of the Kafka broker. The default host is localhost:9092. Replace it if you are not going to use the default)
- SECRET_KEY (Your application's secret key. This is needed to protect your service which uses JWT technology)
- EUREKA_URI (Address of your Eureka server. Specify it if you are not going to use the default address: http://localhost:8081/eureka )
- Run the file
If you want to see the full functionality of the service go to the controllers folder inside the project, where each method will have a brief description of its functionality.