(IoTDI 2024) Beyond Thresholds: A General Approach to Sensor Selection for Practical Deep Learning-based HAR
Create a conda environment for sensor selection
conda create --name sensel python=3.10
conda activate sensel
Install the necessary packages
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pandas
conda install matplotlib
conda install scikit-learn
pip install tensorboard
pip install ptflops==0.7
Add the root of the project (wherever it is saved on your machine) to the python path
export PYTHONPATH="$HOME/Projects/beyond_thresholds"
Download the datasets to top level directory
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ cd raw_data
// unload DSADS
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ wget https://archive.ics.uci.edu/static/public/256/daily+and+sports+activities.zip
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ unzip daily+and+sports+activities.zip -d dsads
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ rm daily+and+sports+activities.zip
// unload opportunity
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ wget https://archive.ics.uci.edu/static/public/226/opportunity+activity+recognition.zip
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ unzip opportunity+activity+recognition.zip -d opportunity
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ rm opportunity+activity+recognition.zip
// unload RWHAR
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ wget http://wifo5-14.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/sensor/dataset/realworld2016/realworld2016_dataset.zip
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ mkdir -p rwhar/data && unzip realworld2016_dataset.zip -d rwhar/data
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ rm realworld2016_dataset.zip
Preprocess the datasets (segment and organize data)
// preprocess DSADS
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ cd datasets/dsads
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/datasets/dsads$ python preprocess.py
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/datasets/dsads$ cd ..
// preprocess opportunity
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/datasets$ cd opportunity
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/datasets/opportunity$ python preprocess.py
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/datasets/opportunity$ cd ..
// preprocess RWHAR
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholdsdatasets/$ cd rwhar
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/datasets/rwhar$ python preprocess.py
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/datasets/rwhar$ cd ../..
For each body part in each dataset, we train a model in a leave-one-person-out fashion using 3 random seeds. This means we train on the data from all users except for one, then test on the held out user. Thus, for a dataset with
For convenience, all the checkpoints are already provided under beyond_thresholds/saved_data/checkpoints
if you do not want to train all the models from scratch
Train the models (skip this step if you want to use pretrained models). Given the small size of the models, training can be done on CPU if needed. Note: if you train from scratch, delete or rename the folders under beyond_thresholds/saved_data/checkpoints
. Otherwise models in these folders will be identified as having already been trained.
// training for DSADS
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ cd training
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/training$ python main_dsads.py
// training for opportunity
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/training$ python main_opportunity.py
// training for RWHAR
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/training$ python main_rwhar.py
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/training$ cd ..
You can monitor training with tensorboard
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ cd saved_data/runs/dsads
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/saved_data/runs/dsads$ tensorboard --logdir='./'
For sensor selection, we only need the model predictions (confidence value and class prediction) so we can cache these
// caching for DSADS
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds$ cd training
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/training$ python cache_predictions_dsads.py
// caching for opportunity
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/training$ python cache_predictions_opportunity.py
// caching for RWHAR
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/training$ python cache_predictions_rwhar.py
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/training$ cd ..
Next we need to derive the policies and evaluate them. This can be done on a per dataset or per seed or per policy basis. Here we just run a bash script which derives and evaluates all policies across all seeds and datasets. This will populate saved_data
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/training$ cd sensor_selection
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/sensor_selection$ ./run_all
Finally, we can visualize the results for each dataset. Running the following will generate figures as svg.
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/sensor_selection$ python plot_results.py --dataset=dsads
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/sensor_selection$ python plot_results.py --dataset=opportunity
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/sensor_selection$ python plot_results.py --dataset=rwhar
We can also visualize the reliability diagrams for different sensors to better interpret their policies.
user:~/Projects/beyond_thresholds/sensor_selection$ python plot_reliability_diagram.py --dataset=dsads --user=5 --body_part=right_arm --ens_frac=0.5