A collection of helper scripts for my personal DevOps need.
Currently, Only supports CentOS 7-8 and Debian 10.
To setup a basic Linux + Nginx + Mariadb + PHP server
installed packages:
- Nginx Latest Stable (1.18)
- PHP 7.4
- MariaDB 10.4
- firewallD
- Fish
To create a system user and prepare base config for nginx + php-fpm
./create_user.sh username
Above script will:
- create a user and assign password
- chmod home dir to 750
- add nginx user to this user-group
- create a nginx conf for username.com
- create a fpm conf for username.com
To create a db user and assign password + permissions to it
./create_db_user.sh username
Above script will:
- create a db user
- assign strong password to it
- create a db with same name as user
- grant permission to it