This filter is used to embed a notepad (mod_recitcahiertraces) into a page.
The Notebook allows students to write their course notes within all the resources and activities offered in Moodle. The notes are nested throughout the content presented to the student. The student can write a summary, answer open-ended questions, or fill in spaces preformatted by the teacher. Once recorded, the note is retained and the student can access it at any time, regardless of the device used (computer, tablet or mobile device). All notes for a section are recorded in the "Notebook" activity. The teacher can be notified when the student completes a note. The note can generate automated feedback. The teacher can also manually write a personalized comment. The student can print out all of his or her notes as well as the teacher's feedback.
mod_recitcahiertraces (
This filter must be activated in admin / filters / Manage Filters, applicable to "content".