This repository contains the SQream JDBC driver
Clone the repository with:
git clone http://gitlab.sq.l/connectors/jdbc-driver.git
This code is dependent on
- Java 8
To build the driver as a JAR, use:
With tests (requires a SQream instance)
mvn package
Without tests
mvn package -DskipTests
With dependencies (fat JAR)
mvn -f pom-fat-jar.xml package
mvn install
build jar signed files
gpg -ab pom.xml
gpg -ab sqream-jdbc-<release_version>.jar
gpg -ab sqream-jdbc-<release_version>-javadoc.jar
gpg -ab sqream-jdbc-<release_version>-sources.jar
package in single file
jar -cvf bundle.jar <files>
open nexus repository manager, upload bundle.jar and if test passed promote release.