New features
Forbid the class in the observations.
Widden scope of catched exception print to string.
Forbid usage of java.lang.Class in assertions.
Do not generate try/catch for comparison error from junit3.
Do not generate assertion on string that contains path.
Catch error during init of selector Fix #731 .
Recover from errors when first exec of tests.
Generate after class.
Print class using to string if spoon fails.
Can now specify a list of package to forbid in the observations.
Allow snapshot versions for PIT and Descartes.
Split now the value of parameter amplifiers and init well the list.
Pitest minimizer.
Dspot prettifier process.
Code2vec parser.
Using maven to execute tests.
Prettifier code2vec executor.
Bug Fixes
Typo in the constant of isEqualsTo and isNotEqualsTo.
Perf issue by splitting words to be checked.
And between operand instead of or.
Order of provided folders.
Can generate a value for type stack over flow.
Fix is collection and is map in observations.
Is test junit3.
Assertion remover on returned values.
The output path is now well configured.
Fix gradle properties and skip compile test.
Rm try with resource.
Can generate assertion for.
Use now the complete classpath to compile the newly amplified test class.
Get filter automatic builder helper Fix #744 .
Fix code2vec parser.
GoogleTruth is now a Decorator and uses another implementation.
Compilation errors due to amplification during the process.
Use the property outputDirectory.
Negate the conditional to take all but total instead of only total.
Cloner avoid npe in init.
Remove generic actual type arguments.
Fix remove assertion npe.
Fix issues with the javadoc.
Improve diff test selection documentation FIX #768 .
Rename filter property Fix #747 .
Add example to improve coverage with Maven plugin.
Split the README to push forward the usage.
Patching issue#605. Fixing DSpot Maven usage example.
Update relative path of test source folder.
Report architecture fix #745 .
Remove all the old files that was not used anymore.
Remove all files related to an experimentation.
Memory optimization.
DSpot time execution optimization.
In DSpotUtils.printAndCompileToCheck(): extract invocation type.getMethods() out of stream filter loop, since it is an invariant.
Remove overlapping generated tests, closes #535 .
Bump jacoco and spoon.
Prettifier set exe jar.
Nb Commit
Benjamin DANGLOT
Jesús Gorroñogoitia Cruz
Oscar Luis Vera Pérez
Martin Monperrus
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