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Yet another WhatsApp Sticker App for Android that is based on WhatsApp/Sticker github repo. and created using SketchWare Pro

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TL:DR This App(Sutikero) is not Affiliate of WhatsApp or its company

What is Sutikero?

[*] Sutikero is an app that is dedicated to add Stickers/Sticker Pack to WhatsApp or Convert image from either file or internet url to Stickers to be added in Sticker Pack.

Why Sutikero?

[x] Sutikero is a ui and user friendly

[x] Sticker Pack and Sticker are easy to manage

[x] you can add your custom images as Stickers

[x] you can add stickers from File (Storage or Album)

[x] you can add stickers from a URL

[x] open-source (of course!)

[x] no Ads

[x] F-R-E-E-!

Why not Sutikero?

[?] minimum of Android 6 (Marshmallow) for operating system

[?] not for Iphone/Apple/Mac

[?] its in Beta phase

[?] you may face some bugs that is different for each phone (send us your bug report/open an issue in our github)

[?] the quality of sticker will be 20% or less than the original quality (since there is a limit size)

[?] if you're planning to add you're taken picture as sticker, the picture will be resized but keep the aspect ratio (it can resize at max 512x512)(we recommend to edit/square crop the image or add image that have 1:1 aspect ratio)

[?] once you uninstall the app, the stickers you've added in WhatsApp will be removed (you can't backup your sticker)

Third Party Library used:

[x] Facebook Fresco

[x] FFmpeg toolkit-Android

[x] AndroidX

[x] Google Gson

[x] Google Material


[] Add backup/import feature

[] optimize the code for fast source loading

[] image quality changer

Love my work?

[] you can buy me a Coffee or sweets

[] no money? you can send me a (love) Letter (just kidding)

[] you are free to fork this repo

[] you are free to PullRequest

Hate my work?

[] you may open an issue in github repo

[] please avoid hate speech only constructive criticism

[] C-O-N-S-T-R-U-C-T-I-V-E C-R-I-T-I-C-I-S-M !


Yet Another WhatsApp Sticker App for Android







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