Sprint 4 is over! Here are the additions / changes: (Functional/Non-Functional)
- added the ability to attack and defend fully (@LewisRye, @TaiseiYokoshima)
- added the recursive fortification algorithm (@TaiseiYokoshima)
- added the ability to transfer troops to a newly owned country (@LewisRye, @TaiseiYokoshima)
- added the ability for AI agents to play the game with some decision making (@LewisRye)
- added the ability to trade in and receive game cards (@TaiseiYokoshima)
- added the ability to rename countries (@LewisRye)
- added a killfeed to broadcast useful game information (@LewisRye)
- added a settings menu with full audio control (@LewisRye)
- added sound effects throughout the game (@LewisRye, @AxelGumiit)
- added keybinds for mute, fullscreen and settings (@LewisRye)
- efficiency improvements by limiting FPS to screen refresh rate (@LewisRye)
- camera improvements by ensuring the camera smoothly transitions/resets (@LewisRye)