Simple chess game with GUI and different bots implemented from scratch in python.
This version allows for local human vs human play.
This version allows the user to play against different chess bots.
- Plays a random move from the available options.
- Plays a random attacking move (i.e. takes an opponent piece) whenever possible, otherwise makes a random move.
- Asses the possible moves N steps in the future and plays the best move assuming optimal play and using a simple board evaluation heuristic.
- State of the art open-source chess engine. In order to be able to play against it its necessary to first download the compatible binary to your OS from and place it under chessam/ .
This project was done in the context of the Simulation and Modelling module of the Bachelor of Informatics and Computational Sciene at the Univerisity of Potsdam. The project_report.pdf file contains a complete summary of the main aspects of the project together with a short discussion of the final result and possible next steps.