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This repository includes the implementations for dilithium and kyber post quantum algorithms. It also includes an implementation of post-quantum safe comunication protocol and an application for exchaning files/chatting utilizing this protocol.

How to compile

Install go here.

While in the root git directory run with:

go build -o pqcom

How to run

Either run the compiled binary from compilation or run with:

go run .

See the flag -h for additional information and the flag -h in other commands, for example ./pqcom app chat -h.


This application is capable of benchmarking all the available algorithms by using the the tests defined in crypto/kem_test.go and crypto/sign_test.go. Addionally the application benchstat can be used on the results. Few examples of benchmarks:

  1. Benchmark only the sum of all KEM and Digital signature operations together

    go test -count=8 -timeout=24h -bench="Kem$|Signature$" -run=ˆ# ./... | tee out.txt && benchstat out.txt
  2. Benchmark all operations and separate operations for all KEMs and Digital signatures

    go test -count=8 -timeout=24h -bench="Kem|Signature" -run=ˆ# ./... | tee out.txt && benchstat out.txt

Examples for communicating

The listening port and target/listening address can be changed using flags. For more specific information check ./pqcom app -h


Before chatting or file exchange can be done a confoguration file has to be specified. Path to a configuration file can be specified in 3 ways:

  1. ENV variable called PQCOM_CONFIG
  2. Using the --config flag
  3. Default config location at $HOME/.config/pqcom/pqcom.json

To generate example config files for server and client run

./pqcom config gen

To specify different algorithms for communicating run

./pqcom config gen -h

and see available flags. To check the list available algorithsm run

./pqcom config list


To run the app in chat mode, the clint runs

./pqcom app chat -c --config pqcom_client.json

and the server runs:

./pqcom app chat -l --config pqcom_server.json

File exchange

To exchange files, the receiver has to run

./pqcom app receive --config pqcom_server.json > output.txt

and the client that sends the file has to run

cat test.txt | ./pqcom app send --config pqcom_client.json

How to test

Install go here.

While the root git directory run with:

go test -v ./...

Wireshark integration

The folder wireshark contains a README about wireshark dissector integration for the implemented protocol.