Computer Science Student
- Israel
- [email protected]
- in/samuellazareanu
- Pro
Tori Public
React Native Mobile App: Tori! - "Appointments: A click away". Led full-cycle development in a team of 3 using industry best practices, from initiation to deployment as the final project in Softwar…
JavaScript UpdatedMar 2, 2025 -
Pyramid-Solitaire-Android Public
My first developed android app, as the final project in high-school Software Engineering major.
UpdatedJan 25, 2025 -
Operating-Systems-Ex3 Public
Synchronization and Kosaraju server - Implementing a server on a graph for finding SCC using Kosaraju's algo. The server receives graphs and changes in them, from multiple users in TCP communicatio…
Final Project in OS course: MST, Strategy/Factory, Client-Server, Threads, Active Object, Thread poll (Leader-Follower) and Valgrind. @ Ariel University
Operating-Systems-Ex4 Public
Valgrind, Graph data structure and Euler : coverage reports, gprof, Valgrind memcheck, callGraph, helgrind and implemented singleton and lock gurad. As an assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel Un…
Networking-Final-Project Public
QUIC Protocol, implemented multi-streams. Final project in Computer Networking @ Ariel University
Catan-Game-CPP Public
A simple Catan Game in C++, as an assignment in Systems Programming B @ Ariel University
Systems-Programming-B-Ex4 Public
STL, Templates, and Iterators in CPP on Generic Tree<T, K>, Node<T> as an assignment in Systems Programming B @ Ariel University
OS_Ex2_Custom-Netcat Public
A custom-made version of Netcat in C/C++; Redirecting stdin & stdout using pipes allowing chat between terminals and program exec. As an assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel University
Systems-Programming-B-Ex2 Public
Operator overloading and implementations of graph algorithms in C++, as a follow-up assignemnt in Systems Programming B @ Ariel University
Operating-Systems-Ex1 Public
An assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel University, developed in C - UNIX tools, libaries, debugging, gdb, ddd, threads, fork, wait, exec, pipe
CPP_EX1_Graph-Algorithms Public
C++ implementations of graph algorithms, as an assignemnt in Systems Programming B @ Ariel University
Operating-Systems-Course Public
All study materials for the Operating Systems Course @ Ariel University
Computer-Networking-Ex3 Public
Socket programming in c. Transferring large files over TCP, implementing Realiable UDP and simulating Packet Loss. As an assignment in Computer Networking @ Ariel University
cpp-course-2024 Public
Forked from cpp-at-ariel/cpp-5784C++ course (Systems Programming B), 2024 b, Ariel University
Shorts-Maker Public
Create high-quality vertical quotes videos (1920x1080 - Perfect for all social medias) in about 15seconds per video!
Image-Quote-Generator Public
Create high-quality images with quotes (Perfect for Instagram and Pinterest) in less than 5 seconds per 100+ images!
Systems-Programming-A-Ex3 Public
Linked List project in C to practice using strings and dynamic memory allocation, as an assignment in Systems Programming A @ Ariel University
OOP_Ex2 Public
a Social Network in Python, focusing on design patterns as an assignment for OOP @ Ariel University
Ariel-University Public
Projects and assignments from my BSc in Computer Science at Ariel University, Israel
Taki-Game-C Public
Simple console-based Taki game, developed in C as the final project in Intro to Computer Science @ MTA College
top-domains-expiry-checker Public
A Python script that checks the expiry dates of all domains in the "top 10 million domains" list (by DomCop), and logs the ones that expire soon in a file.
Computer-Networking-Ex2 Public
Practice socket programming, involving server, client, and proxy. Developed in Python, as an assignment in Computer Networking @ Ariel University
Systems-Programming-A-Ex2 Public
Forked from TrachtmanLior/SystemProgrammingAEx2Simple project in C to practice using arrays and loops as an assignment in Systems Programming A @ Ariel University
nand2tetris.org Public
Projects 1-6 in nand2tetris as graded assignments in Computer Architecture @ Ariel University
Pizzeria-Orders-C Public
Simple (console-based) pizzeria orders taker, developed in C as an assignment in Intro to Computer Science @ MTA College
Systems-Programming-A-Ex1 Public
Simple math project in C to practice using 'gcc', makefiles and libraries as an assignment in Systems Programming A @ Ariel University
Viking-Chess-Hnefatafi Public
Viking Chess (Hnefatafl) game in Java, practicing OOP principles as an assignment in OOP @ Ariel University