Contribute to the Hacktoberfest by making small components like contact form, carousel, card, etc. By the end of this fest I hope we create a nice website.
If anyone is adding new feature, please update in the readme file also
1st you have to add extension in your chrome or chromium...that is "tampermonkey" Click that is link for add that exntension....than you have to click on that extension that is shown on right side. than u have to click on CREATE A NEW SCRIPT. After that you have to copy and paste that skribbler script that i was provide to you and save it open skribbler and before start playing you have to start activate and then script start run and suggest you answer and after a some seconds ...that script gave you right answer then only you have to type it on that chat box.
Fork this repository by clicking on the fork button on the top of this page. This will create a copy of this repository in your account.
Now clone the forked repository to your system. Go to your GitHub account, open the forked repository, click on the code button copy the suitable URL.
Next open your terminal and paste this command
git clone{your-github-username}/Hacktoberfest.git
Create a branch so that there are little to no conflicts while merging into master.
To create a branch write this command
git checkout -b your_new_branch_name
Make the necessory changes you want and after completing the changes write the commands to commit
git add .
git commit -m "{your-commit-message}"
After commiting your work into the local repository write this command to bring those changes into github
git push origin your_new_branch_name
After pushing it to the repository make PR(pull request) to add those changes into main branch.
I'm happy to add valid pull request into this repository🥰.
I have changed the registration form of this page, and made it more attractive and responsive.
#Change 2 :- Added blockDash: A Unity C# game
Added and uploaded the game files of a C# game (with ASP .NET) made using Unity game engine.