BASED Engine
Moliner Préjano, Santiago - GitHub account
Rami Rodríguez, David - GitHub account
A,S,D,W -> Camera movement
Right Click -> Camera rotation
SHIFT(hold) -> Faster camera movement
Arrow Keyys -> Move ball around (Physics Demo)
SPACE -> Shoot a ball (Physcics Demo)
ESC -> Quit application
GameObjects Tree window
- Create Group: hover or click to open the GameObject creating menu
(all GameObjects created from here are child to the selected GameObject at the moment of creation)
- Create GameObject Button: Create a new empty GameObject
- Create Cube Button: Create a new GameObject with a cube mesh
- Create Sphere Button: Create a new GameObject with a sphere mesh
- Create Pyramid Button: Create a new GameObject with a pyramid mesh
- Create Cylindre Button: Create a new GameObject with a cylindre mesh
- Create Plane Button: Create a new GameObject with a plane mesh
- GameObject Tree Nodes: left click to select, if they have children double click or click the arrow to open or close
- Deselect Button: deselects selected GameObject
- Drag and drop: use the drag and drop fucntionality to reparent objects to a new game object
Play/Pause Button
-Start and pause al the physics simulations in the engine
Selected GameObject Window
- GameObject Name Text Input: write and press Enter to change the GameObject name (if the name is already in use by one of its siblings this will fail)
- Delete GameObject Button: deletes the GameObject
- Position Float3 Input: write to modify the GameObjects position
- Rotation Float3 Input: write to modify the GameObjects rotation
- Scale Float3 Input: write to modify the GameObjects scale (if a 0 is inputed it will be ignored and changed for the previous value)
GameObjects Components
- Mesh Component:
- Active CheckBox: activates and deactivates the rendering of the mesh
- Normals CheckBox: activates and deactivates the rendering of the normals of the mesh
- AABB CheckBox: activates and deactivates the rendering of the AABB of the mesh
- Delete Mesh Button: deletes the Mesh Component
- Mesh Name Text Input: write and press Enter to change the Meshes name (if the name is already in use by another component this will fail)
- Mesh Path Text Input: write and press Enter to change the mesh (if the path is already in use or the loading of the new mesh is unsuccessful this will fail)
- Texture Path Text Input: write and press Enter to change the texture (if the path is already in use this will fail)
- Camera Component:
- Camera active CheckBox: activates and deactivates the camera component
- Camera culling CheckBox: activates and deactivates the camera scene culling
- Delete Camera Button: deletes the Camera Component
- Position Float3 Input: write to modify the Camera position
- Near Plane Distance float: write and press Enter to change the Near Plane Distance value
- Far PLane Distance float: write and press Enter to change the Far PLane Distance value
- Vertical Fov value: write and press Enter to change the Vertical Fov value
- Horizontal Fov value: write and press Enter to change the Horizontal Fov value
- RigidBoy Component:
- Active CheckBox: activates and deactivates the RigidBody component
- Delete RigidBody Button: deletes the RigidBody Component
- Mass value: write and press Enter to change the Mass value
- Density value: write and press Enter to change the Density value
- Use gravity CheckBox: activates and deactivates the gravity setting
- Is kinematic CheckBox: activates and deactivates the kinematic setting
- Freeze rotation and position CheckBoxes: activates and deactivates the Fix ritation and position settings
- Box Collider:
- Active CheckBox: activates and deactivates the Collider component
- IsTrigger CheckBox: activates and deactivates the Trigger setting
- Delete Collider Button: deletes the Collider Component
- Offset float3: write and press Enter to change the Offset value
- Size float3: write and press Enter to change the Size value
- Sphere Collider:
- Active CheckBox: activates and deactivates the Collider component
- IsTrigger CheckBox: activates and deactivates the Trigger setting
- Delete Collider Button: deletes the Collider Component
- Offset float3: write and press Enter to change the Offset value
- Radius value: write and press Enter to change the Radius value
- Capsule Collider:
- Active CheckBox: activates and deactivates the Collider component
- IsTrigger CheckBox: activates and deactivates the Trigger setting
- Delete Collider Button: deletes the Collider Component
- Offset float3: write and press Enter to change the Offset value
- Radius value: write and press Enter to change the Radius value
- Height value: write and press Enter to change the Height value
- Player Controller:
- Active CheckBox: activates and deactivates the Player Controller component
- Delete Controller Button: deletes the Collider Component
- Max speed value: write and press Enter to change the Max speed value
- Acceleraiton value: write and press Enter to change the Acceleraiton value
- Deceleration value: write and press Enter to change the Deceleration value