This workshop looks at how to do TDD. It is aimed specifically at identifying the differences between what a traditionally role-based team may repeat because QAs and Dev use different tools and may not integrate. This serves as an example of why different roles need to work together and all have the same view of their codebase and pipeline. The workshop does not start from scratch with no code because it's designed for those who are not necessarily developers/programmers but can likely read existing code.
Part 1 - Has some completed selenium tests (these will fail as logic is not coded yet) but unit tests need to be written
Part 2 - Part 1 completed (not all product rules are completed)
Part 3 - Place for continued development
This code was developed on a Windows 10 OS.
You may experience additional issues than those listed below. Please raise a pull request or issue to log changes to the README.
Known issues
At time of development, a few issues were encountered:
Known bug where Flask does not work with Python 3.7 - use latest 3.6 instead.
Issues in Windows with Chrome Webdriver - try Firefox instead. (If you have installed both drivers, make sure only one is in your system path, should you still encounter issues).
Installation instructions
Python 3.6 - not 3.7 - see issues above
-> Windows users
- run CMD as Administrator
- Please select to 'add the PYTHONPATH to your environment variables option
Also install:
- pip install -U Flask
- pip install -U pytest
- pip install -U selenium
- (pip comes with Python)
More about Python and Selenium here:
Selenium drivers here:
Running instructions
On Windows:
flask run
Unit Tests:
Selenium Tests:
Min rating = 0
Max rating = 100
Occupation of: Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant -> rating point of 50
otherwise -> 20
Number of current credit cards more than 7 -> minus 5 points
Current debt: 0 -> add 10 points
0-2000 -> add 25 points
2000-5000 -> add 15 points
5000-7500 -> add 5 points
7500-10000 -> minus 5 points
10000-15000 -> minus 15 points
>15000 -> minus 25 points