- Gain programming confidence
- Practice multiple file handling
- This is console based menu-driven application. Based on user login appropriate menu will be visible.
- Each book can have multiple copies and organized into multiple racks.
- Issue/return of individual copy is expected. For example, if “C Programming Language (by Ritchie)” have 10 copies, each copy can be issued and returned independently.
- Book can be issued if and only if user is paid user. Otherwise error message will be displayed. Payment of each user will be collected by Librarian on monthly basis.
- Book is expected to return in 7 days. If delayed, fine of Rs. 5/- is applicable and should be taken by Librarian while returning book.
- Programming language: C
- Database: File-IO
- IDE: Eclipse or VIM or any other IDE
* gcc -c main.c ==> main.o
* gcc -c member.c ==> member.o
* gcc -c librarian.c ==> librarian.o
* gcc -c owner.c ==> owner.o
* gcc -o library.exe main.o member.o librarian.o owner.o
* gcc -o library.exe main.c member.c librarian.c owner.c date.c common.c