A Ruby object-oriented interface to the local business content available on Yelp at http://www.yelp.com. Functionality is provided to perform all searches available via the developer API including:
- search for business reviews by geo-bounding-box, geo-point, or address/location.
- search for a business review by business phone number.
- search for a neighborhood by geo-point or address/location.
- search for business details by geo-bounding-box, geo-point, or address/location.
- retrieval of business details by specifying yelp id of business
More detailed information on the underlying Yelp API, error response codes, and so forth is available at http://www.yelp.com/developers/getting_started.
This documentation is available at http://rubydoc.info/github/nvd/yelpster.
The latest source code is at http://github.com/nvd/yelpster.
You must have a Yelp Web Service ID (YWSID) if you're using v1 of the api or Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Token and a Token Secret for version 2. These are available at http://www.yelp.com/developers/getting_started/api_access.
You must conform to the Yelp Branding Requirements when making use of content retrieved via their API, documented at http://www.yelp.com/developers/getting_started/api_branding.
For tests to execute successfully you must have the YWSID (for v1) or YELP_CONSUMER_KEY, YELP_CONSUMER_SECRET, YELP_TOKEN and YELP_TOKEN_SECRET(for v2) set in your environment via (shell-dependent, bash example provided):
gem install yelpster
and in your gemfile:
gem 'yelpster'
Instantiate a Yelp::Client and use its search
method to make requests of
the Yelp server.
The available search request types are:
- Yelp::V1::Review::Request::BoundingBox
- Yelp::V1::Review::Request::GeoPoint
- Yelp::V1::Review::Request::Location
- Yelp::V1::Phone::Request::Number
- Yelp::V1::Neighborhood::Request::GeoPoint
- Yelp::V1::Neighborhood::Request::Location
- Yelp::V2::Business::Request::Id
- Yelp::V2::Search::Request::BoundingBox
- Yelp::V2::Search::Request::GeoPoint
- Yelp::V2::Search::Request::Location
You can include
the overlying module to cut back on typing
or in case of conflicts between classes, use the fully qualified search request class name.
By default, response content is formatted as a Ruby hash converted from Yelp's
source JSON response content. Alternate response formats (including the
original pure JSON) can be specified on request record construction via the
Yelp::[V1/V2]::Request response_format
parameter, available in all request record
To configure token/keys, add the following in a pre-loader file (eg: in initializers dir for Rails). Although currently available, support for specifying keys in request object will be deprecated in the future.
For example, you might have a 'yelp.rb' file in your 'config/initializers' directory that looks like the following:
Yelp.configure(:yws_id => 'YOUR_YWSID',
:consumer_key => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
:consumer_secret => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
:token => 'YOUR_TOKEN',
:token_secret => 'YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET')
Then create a client object (or use Yelp::Base.client) and call search
method with the request object.
A few examples:
# construct a client instance
client = Yelp::Client.new
include Yelp::V1::Review::Request
# perform an address/location-based search for cream puffs nearby
request = Location.new(
:address => '650 Mission St',
:city => 'San Francisco',
:state => 'CA',
:radius => 2,
:term => 'cream puffs')
response = client.search(request)
# perform a location-based category search for either ice cream or donut shops in SF
request = Location.new(
:city => 'San Francisco',
:state => 'CA',
:category => ['donuts', 'icecream'])
response = client.search(request)
# perform a neighborhood name lookup for a specific geo-location point
request = GeoPoint.new(
:latitude => 37.782093,
:longitude => -122.483230)
response = client.search(request)
# -------------------------------------------------------
include Yelp::V1::Phone::Request
# perform a business review search based on a business phone number
request = Number.new(
:phone_number => '4155551212')
response = client.search(request)
# -------------------------------------------------------
include Yelp::V2::Business::Request
# retrieve details of business vi yelp business id
request = Id.new(
:yelp_business_id => "pjb2WMwa0AfK3L-dWimO8w")
response = client.search(request)
# -------------------------------------------------------
include Yelp::V2::Search::Request
# search for businesses via bounding box geo coords'
request = BoundingBox.new(
:term => "cream puffs",
:sw_latitude => 37.900000,
:sw_longitude => -122.500000,
:ne_latitude => 37.788022,
:ne_longitude => -122.399797,
:limit => 3)
response = client.search(request)
# search for businesses via lat/long geo point'
request = GeoPoint.new(
:term => "cream puffs",
:latitude => 37.788022,
:longitude => -122.399797)
response = client.search(request)
# search for businesses via location (address, neighbourhood, city, state, zip, country, latitude, longitude)'
request = Location.new(
:term => "cream puffs",
:city => "San Francisco")
response = client.search(request)
request = Location.new(
:term => "german food",
:address => "Hayes",
:latitude => 37.77493,
:longitude => -122.419415)
response = client.search(request)
Here is another example, let's say I wanted to make a call to the API in a controller action:
class FoodsController < ApplicationController
include Yelp::V2::Search::Request
def search
client = Yelp::Client.new
request = GeoPoint.new(
:term => 'thai',
:category_filter => 'food,restaurants',
:limit => 20,
:radius_filter => 8047,
:latitude => params[:latitude],
:longitude => params[:longitude])
response = client.search(request)
# rest of your code
You can check out all the parameters you can pass in the Yelp API Documentation.
For V1 - http://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/search_api. For V2 - http://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v2/search_api
If you want to convert some addresses to latitude/longitude, or vice versa, for testing or what have you -- try http://stevemorse.org/jcal/latlon.php.
This library is provided via the GNU LGPL license at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html.
Copyright 2007 - 2009, Walter Korman [email protected], http://lemurware.blogspot.com
2011 – Yelp V2 Additions by Naveed Siddiqui [email protected]