You can install by searching for ZeroBounceSDK in NuGet package manager browser or just use the this command:
Install-Package ZeroBounce.SDK
Import the sdk in your file:
using ZeroBounceSDK;
Initialize the sdk with your api key:
Then you can use any of the SDK methods, for example:
- ####### Validate an email address
var email = "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"; // The email address you want to validate
var ipAddress = ""; // The IP Address the email signed up from (Optional)
ZeroBounce.Instance.Validate(email, ipAddress,
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("Validate success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("Validate failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### Validate a batch of email addresses
var email = "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"; // The email address you want to validate
var ipAddress = ""; // The IP Address the email signed up from (Optional)
List<ZBValidateEmailRow> emailBatch = new List<ZBValidateEmailRow>
new ZBValidateEmailRow { EmailAddress = email, IpAddress = ipAddress }
response =>
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("Validate failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### Check how many credits you have left on your account
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetCredits success response " + response);
// your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetCredits failure error " + error);
// your implementation
- ####### Check your API usage for a given period of time
var startDate = new DateTime(); // The start date of when you want to view API usage
var endDate = new DateTime(); // The end date of when you want to view API usage
ZeroBounce.Instance.GetApiUsage(startDate, endDate,
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetApiUsage success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetApiUsage failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### Use the Activity API endpoint to gather insights into your subscribers'overall email engagement
var email = "[email protected]"; // Subscriber email address
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetActivity success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetActivity failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### The sendfile API allows user to send a file for bulk email validation
var filePath = "<FILE_PATH>"; // The csv or txt file
var options = new SendFileOptions();
options.ReturnUrl = "";
options.EmailAddressColumn=3 // The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1
options.FirstNameColumn = 4; // The index of "first name" column in the file
options.LastNameColumn = 5; // The index of "last name" column in the file
options.GenderColumn = 6; // The index of "gender" column in the file
options.IpAddressColumn = 7; // The index of "IP address" column in the file
options.HasHeaderRow = true; // If this is `true` the first row is considered as table headers
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("SendFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("SendFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### The getfile API allows users to get the validation results file for the file been submitted using sendfile API
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API
var localDownloadPath = "<FILE_DOWNLOAD_PATH>"; // The location where the downloaded file will be saved
ZeroBounce.Instance.GetFile(fileId, localDownloadPath,
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### Check the status of a file uploaded via "sendFile" method
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("FileStatus success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("FileStatus failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### Deletes the file that was submitted using scoring sendfile API. File can be deleted only when its status is
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("DeleteFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("DeleteFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### The scoringSendfile API allows user to send a file for bulk email validation
var filePath = "<FILE_PATH>"; // The csv or txt file
var options = new SendFileOptions();
options.ReturnUrl = "";
options.EmailAddressColumn=3 // The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1
options.HasHeaderRow = true; // If this is `true` the first row is considered as table headers
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("SendFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("SendFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### The scoringGetFile API allows users to get the validation results file for the file been submitted using scoringSendfile API
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendfile API
var localDownloadPath = "<FILE_DOWNLOAD_PATH>"; // The location where the downloaded file will be saved
ZeroBounce.Instance.ScoringGetFile(fileId, localDownloadPath,
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### Check the status of a file uploaded via "scoringSendFile" method
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendfile API
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("FileStatus success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("FileStatus failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
- ####### Deletes the file that was submitted using scoring scoringSendfile API. File can be deleted only when its status is
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendfile API
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("DeleteFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("DeleteFile failure error " + error);
// ...your implementation