This SDK contains methods for interacting easily with ZeroBounce API. More information about ZeroBounce you can find in the official documentation.
You can install by searching for ZeroBounceSDK in NuGet package manager browser or just use the this command:
Install-Package ZeroBounce.SDK
Import the sdk in your file:
using ZeroBounceSDK;
Initialize the sdk with your api key:
Then you can use any of the SDK methods, for example:
var email = "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"; // The email address you want to validate
var ipAddress = ""; // The IP Address the email signed up from (Optional)
ZeroBounce.Instance.Validate(email, ipAddress,
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("Validate success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("Validate failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var email = "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"; // The email address you want to validate
var ipAddress = ""; // The IP Address the email signed up from (Optional)
List<ZBValidateEmailRow> emailBatch = new List<ZBValidateEmailRow>
new ZBValidateEmailRow { EmailAddress = email, IpAddress = ipAddress }
response =>
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("Validate failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetCredits success response " + response);
// your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetCredits failure error " + error);
// your implementation
var startDate = new DateTime(); // The start date of when you want to view API usage
var endDate = new DateTime(); // The end date of when you want to view API usage
ZeroBounce.Instance.GetApiUsage(startDate, endDate,
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetApiUsage success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetApiUsage failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var email = "[email protected]"; // Subscriber email address
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetActivity success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetActivity failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var filePath = "<FILE_PATH>"; // The csv or txt file
var options = new SendFileOptions();
options.ReturnUrl = "";
options.EmailAddressColumn=3 // The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1
options.FirstNameColumn = 4; // The index of "first name" column in the file
options.LastNameColumn = 5; // The index of "last name" column in the file
options.GenderColumn = 6; // The index of "gender" column in the file
options.IpAddressColumn = 7; // The index of "IP address" column in the file
options.HasHeaderRow = true; // If this is `true` the first row is considered as table headers
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("SendFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("SendFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API
var localDownloadPath = "<FILE_DOWNLOAD_PATH>"; // The location where the downloaded file will be saved
ZeroBounce.Instance.GetFile(fileId, localDownloadPath,
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("FileStatus success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("FileStatus failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling sendfile API
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("DeleteFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("DeleteFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var filePath = "<FILE_PATH>"; // The csv or txt file
var options = new SendFileOptions();
options.ReturnUrl = "";
options.EmailAddressColumn=3 // The index of "email" column in the file. Index starts at 1
options.HasHeaderRow = true; // If this is `true` the first row is considered as table headers
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("SendFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("SendFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendfile API
var localDownloadPath = "<FILE_DOWNLOAD_PATH>"; // The location where the downloaded file will be saved
ZeroBounce.Instance.ScoringGetFile(fileId, localDownloadPath,
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("GetFile failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendfile API
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("FileStatus success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("FileStatus failure error " + error);
// ... your implementation
var fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The returned file ID when calling scoringSendfile API
response =>
Debug.WriteLine("DeleteFile success response " + response);
// ... your implementation
error =>
Debug.WriteLine("DeleteFile failure error " + error);
// ...your implementation