- 🔭 Currently pursuing B.Tech in IT
- 🌱 Learning React.js & Advanced DSA
- 💬 Ask me about Java, Python, DSA
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 🖥️ Check out my Codolio profile: Sayan0361
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If you like my work, don't forget to star ⭐ my repositories!
Welcome to the VirtualR repository! This project is a responsive landing page created using React and Tailwind CSS. The landing page was built as part of my practice to enhance my skills in front-e…
JavaScript 2
The Speed Typing Game is a fun and interactive application that tests your typing speed and accuracy. Players need to type as many randomly generated words as possible within a set time limit, with…
JavaScript 1
Snake Game is a classic arcade game where players control a snake to collect food while avoiding obstacles (such as the snake's own tail). As the snake eats food, it grows longer, making the game p…
JavaScript 1
This Java program provides essential operations for binary trees, including creation, traversals (in-order, pre-order, post-order, level order), and key metrics such as height, size, and node value…
Java 1