Creates a provider configuration with the existing AWS IAM role.
Creates a provider configuration with the module-created role. The role can have the following trusted entities types:
- AWS account - Allow entities in other AWS accounts belonging to you or a 3rd party to perform actions in this account.
- AWS service - Allow AWS services like EC2 to perform actions in this account.
Custom IAM policy documents for the module-created IAM roles.
All AWS regions (including Gov cloud and China) are supported
Sharing a provider configuration in all or selected Scalr environments.
Self-managed or auto-generated external identifiers for AWS account trusted entities.
Before you start, please authorize Scalr and AWS providers. The basic usage of the module. It will create a configuration with the existing role:
module "existing-configuration" {
source = "github.com/Scalr/terraform-scalr-provider-configuration-aws"
# required parameters:
name = "scalr-managed-aws-account-configuration"
role_name = "ExistingIAMRoleName"
scalr_account_id = "acc-1234567"
# creates with existing role
existing_iam_role = true
external_id = "randomString1234"
# To share the configuration with environments set their names, to share for all - set ["*"]
scalr_environments = ["TeamA-Prod", "TeamA-Dev"]
Creates a provider configuration with the module-created IAM role with the trusted entity type AWS account (managed by Scalr):
module "aws-account-scalr-configuration" {
source = "github.com/Scalr/terraform-scalr-provider-configuration-aws"
name = "scalr-managed-aws-account-configuration"
role_name = "ScalrProviderConfiguration"
scalr_account_id = "acc-1234567"
# policy permissions are required for the module-created role
policy_permissions = ["ec2:*"]
Creates a provider configuration with the module-created IAM role with the trusted entity type AWS account (managed by user):
module "aws-account-user-configuration" {
source = "github.com/Scalr/terraform-scalr-provider-configuration-aws"
name = "scalr-managed-aws-account-configuration"
role_name = "ScalrProviderConfiguration"
scalr_account_id = "acc-1234567"
# User-managed principals
scalr_managed_principals = false
create_principal_user = true # set to false if a user exists
principal_username = "custom-username"
# policy permissions are required for the module-created role
policy_permissions = ["ec2:*"]
Creates a provider configuration with the module-created IAM role with the trusted entity type AWS service:
module "aws-account-scalr-configuration" {
source = "github.com/Scalr/terraform-scalr-provider-configuration-aws"
name = "scalr-managed-aws-account-configuration"
role_name = "ScalrProviderConfiguration"
scalr_account_id = "acc-1234567"
policy_permissions = ["ec2:*"]
# set trusted_entity_type to "aws_service". It is available only for on-premise Scalr and Scalr Agents on AWS.
trusted_entity_type = "aws_service"
Creates a provider configuration with the module-created IAM role with the trusted entity type AWS service in the Gov Cloud Region:
module "aws-account-scalr-configuration" {
source = "github.com/Scalr/terraform-scalr-provider-configuration-aws"
name = "scalr-managed-aws-account-configuration"
role_name = "ScalrProviderConfiguration"
scalr_account_id = "acc-1234567"
# policy permissions are required for the module-created role
policy_permissions = ["ec2:*"]
trusted_entity_type = "aws_service"
# set the account_type to "gov-cloud", for the China Cloud Region set "cn-cloud".
# Currently, only "aws_service" trusted_entity_type is supported for Gov and China regions on Scalr SaaS
account_type = "gov-cloud"
To make created provider configuration as the default one in an environment add the following:
resource "scalr_environment" "test" {
name = "TeamA-dev"
default_provider_configuration = [module.existing-configuration.configuration_id]
To use created provider configuration in the workspaces add the following:
resource "scalr_workspace" "test" {
name = "test"
environment = "env-1234567c"
provider_configuration {
id = module.existing-configuration.configuration_id
# alias = "west" # uncomment if you have more than one AWS provider in the workspace