Look up Nicolas Cage movies and choose your favorites to add to your profile!
Overview: This REST API contains information about various Nicolas Cage movies including director info, genre info, ratings, and release year. It also stores inforrmation about registered users, who can add favorite movies to their list.
Tools used: This app was built using HTML5, SCSS, and JavaScript ES6 languages. I used: -Node.js to write my backend JavaScript code -Express framework to simplify routing of requests and responses -Postman to test my endpoints -MongoDB to create and structure my database -Mongoose to integrate business logic, mapping my database to models used within REST API methods -Passport for authentication and authorization -Bcrypt to hash user passwords -Heroku to host my API -MongoDB Atlas to host my database
Future plans: I intend to create a front end user interface for this API using React.
To use, clone the code and open the index.js file on your browser.