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Releases: SciML/DiffEqOperators.jl
Releases · SciML/DiffEqOperators.jl
DiffEqOperators v4.26.0
Closed issues:
- Allow higher order centered derivatives in MOLFiniteDifference (#353)
- Error trying to discretize a PDAE (#386)
- Variable in subdomain of another variable's domain (#387)
- Error when dependent variables depend on different independent spatial variables (#393)
- Robin b.c. example error (#396)
- DiffEqOperators fails to precompile on Windows 10, Julia 1.6.0 (#398)
Merged pull requests:
- Issue 367 sphere (#373) (@tinosulzer)
- Generalizing MOLFiniteDifference to N-order PDEs (#382) (@akashkgarg)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "SymbolicUtils" at version "0.11" (#388) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add test for PDAE (#389) (@tinosulzer)
- Allow different independent variables in different equations (#395) (@tinosulzer)
- fix robin bc plotting (#397) (@tinosulzer)
DiffEqOperators v4.25.0
Closed issues:
- Discretize MOLFiniteDifference with more than one dependent variable (#374)
- Add option to shift grid by half a point in
for conservative method (#378) - PDE parameters in MOLFiniteDifference (#380)
Merged pull requests:
- Nonlinear Laplacian Handling in MOLFiniteDifference (issue #354) (#371) (@emmanuellujan)
- Add operator combination with AbstractMatrix and UniformScaling (#376) (@briochemc)
- allow multiple depvars in MOLFiniteDifference (#377) (@tinosulzer)
- add grid_align option (#379) (@tinosulzer)
- Add example using parameters (#381) (@tinosulzer)
DiffEqOperators v4.23.0
Closed issues:
- Support partially overlapping operator implementations (#29)
- More efficient
s (#34) - Broken Heat Equation Robin tests (#36)
- Broken KdV tests (#37)
- A simple roadmap for solving HJBE and optimal stopping problems (#45)
- Add tests for central differences for a 2nd order operator (#46)
- Test trivial HJBE for the simple driftless examples (#48)
- Add tests for central differences for a 2nd order operator with non-zero Dirichlet boundaries (#50)
- Next steps for the documentation and tests for simple cases (#57)
- New DiffEqOperator Interface for Array and Composite Operators (#60)
- Test that should "just work" (#87)
- Implement Biased Upwind Operators (#97)
- 2D multiplication touchups (#151)
- What should the size of an a discretized operator from R^n -> R^n be? (#169)
- New interface for periodic BC (#175)
- Performance benchmarking for laplacian example (#178)
- Automated MOL Discretizations (#180)
- ODEProblem gives "ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed" (#187)
- README example throws an error (#189)
- 2d PDE example (#196)
- Coef_func broken (#198)
- Document working vs WIP features (#242)
- possible test failure in upcoming Julia version 1.5 (#243)
- Usage of boundary conditions with higher dimensional operators (#245)
- Issue with RobinBC (#247)
- Make a proper documentation (#249)
- GeneralBC not working when dx is a vector (#257)
- how does coeff_func work? (#266)
- Finite Difference Discretization Follow Up (#269)
- Support for Nonlinear Diffusion Problems (#276)
- MOLFiniteDifference: Upwind vs central difference based on odd vs even (#281)
- Automatically return extrapolated solution (#305)
- Finite difference discretization order for UpwindDifference (#308)
- Few errors when running examples (#323)
- RobinBC order (#345)
- Double check Robin BC handling heat equation tutorial in MOLFiniteDifference (#351)
- Remove SymbolicUtils occursin piracy (#356)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix higher order upwind differences and separate centered and upwind order specification in MOLFiniteDifference (#309) (@archermarx)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "LazyArrays" to "0.21" (#338) (@github-actions[bot])
- tests added (#340) (@mjsheikh)
- Fix missing formula (u_analytic) in Heat Eq. example in README (#343) (@kimlaberinto)
- Tutorial (#346) (@mjsheikh)
- Adding Biased Upwind Operator (#347) (@mjsheikh)
- New MOLFiniteDifference Discretization (#349) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- clean up (#358) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Issue 351 neumann bcs (#361) (@tinosulzer)
- Remove occursin piracy (#362) (@YingboMa)
DiffEqOperators v4.22.0
Closed issues:
- NaN when using space grid with x_0 = 0 (#268)
Merged pull requests:
- Adding NonLinearDiffusion operator to derivate_operator.jl returning discretized function (#327) (@mjsheikh)
- docs added for new functions (#332) (@mjsheikh)
- dimensional corrections for PeriodicBC (#334) (@mjsheikh)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "LazyBandedMatrices" to "0.5" (#335) (@github-actions[bot])
- GeneralBC (#337) (@mjsheikh)
DiffEqOperators v4.21.0
Merged pull requests:
- MTK 5 upgrade (#319) (@YingboMa)
- big docs update (#324) (@ChrisRackauckas)
DiffEqOperators v4.20.0
Merged pull requests:
DiffEqOperators v4.19.0
Merged pull requests:
- add buildkite pipeline (#312) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Compat updates (#315) (@ChrisRackauckas)
DiffEqOperators v4.18.0
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "RuntimeGeneratedFunctions" to "0.5" (#311) (@github-actions[bot])