The {exploreit} package homogenizes the user interface to various multivariate analyses like PCA, CA, MFA, MDS, K-means, hierarchical clustering, and more to match the SciViews::R
{exploreit} is not available from CRAN yet. You should install it from the SciViews R-Universe. {chart} is an alternate formula interface to {ggplot2}. {tabularise} produces publication-ready (rich-formatted) tabular output. The {equatags} and {equatiomatic} packages are optional, but they are useful to display equations, both inline in R Markdown/Quarto documents and in {tabularise} tables. {} is useful too because it manages labels and units that {chart} uses. To install these six packages and their dependencies, run the following command in R:
install.packages(c('modelit', 'chart', 'tabularise', 'equatags', 'equatiomatic', ''),
repos = c('', ''))
You can also install the latest development version of {exploreit}. Make sure you have the {remotes} R package installed:
# install.packages("remotes")
You can get further help about this package this way: Make the {exploreit} package available in your R session:
Get help about this package:
library(help = "exploreit")
vignette("exploreit") # None is installed with install_github()
For further instructions, please, refer to the help pages at
Please note that the {exploreit} package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.