Import data from GDRF to Domoticz
- In Domoticz, go to hardware, create a virtual "Managed counter". You may as well create a virtual 'Managed counter, Gas' device in m3 (to do so : create first a Managed counter, then modify it in the Utility tab to change Switch type to Gas)
- Then in Devices, add it to the devices. (mark down the id for later).
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dateutil python3-requests
pip install openpyxl
git clone
- The script will try to import the GRDF xlsx file if the connection to the API fail.
- Go to the GRDF website, import the XLSX data in "Jour". Use de attribute XLS_PATH for set the path of your file (example: grdf.xlsx)
cp _domoticz_gazpar.cfg domoticz_gazpar.cfg
nano domoticz_gazpar.cfg
and change:
[email protected]
XLS_PATH=path to your xlsx file imported
DB_PATH=/home/pi/domoticz (if needed)
Where NB_DAYS_IMPORTED correspond to the number of days to import and DOMOTICZ_ID is id device on domoticz and DOMOTICZ_ID_M3 is the id device of a virtual 'Smart Meter, Gas' device in m3 if exists
Configuration file will not be deleted in future updates.
Manually launch
Then check the login credential if they are ok:
If this is good, you'll get several json files in the directory
30 7,17 * * * python3 /home/pi/domoticz/DomoticzGazpar/