Eza is a very barebones log-structured kv-store with aspirations to be a slightly-less barebones log-structured database someday.
Currently it's a basic KV store that provides the ability to set a key, set multiple keys, and look up the value of a key.
It is currently ACID-compliant (for some definition of ACID compliance :) ):
Atomic - Currently supported with a primitive write-ahead log that is checked to see which transactions have successfully committed.
Consistent - Provided mostly by accident since there's not much that can be inconsistent right now.
Isolation - A rough MVCC implementation offers snapshot isolation. Remaining work here is adding a 'PENDING' transaction state and maybe storing the transaction info itself on disk rather than keeping it in memory.
Durability - Uses RocksDB for the storage engine to make writes durable.
The project is mainly educational, allowing me to play with different database implementation concepts and learn Rust at the same time.
Currently all keys and values need to fit in memory as they are placed in an in-memory hashmap for fast access. Each write operation is written ahead to a basic write-ahead-log (WAL). Only after RocksDB has confirmed that each key has been written is a write transaction considered "committed". On startup, the WAL is scanned to find all committed keys. Then all keys saved by RocksDB are scanned to determine which ones are committed, before loading them into the in-memory hashmap.
Eventually I'd like to remove the memory restriction so that you can have more data than you have RAM. I'd also like to improve the WAL so that it can compress redundant writes.
Since this is a primitive log-based database, it's named after the last three letters of the genus Wattieza, which were primitive woody (i.e. log-structured) trees.