The goal of Where's The Stream is to help users find where they can stream, buy, or rent TV shows and movies for their viewing enjoyment. Anyone can use the application to search for a show/movie and the app allows for user registration where logged in users can keep a list of favorited shows/movies to quickly reference them again.
- Python 3.10
- Flask
- Materialize CSS
- Watchmode API
- Utilized Materialize CSS to create a more responsive and engaging user experience.
- Favorite/Unfavorite system for shows to write/remove show information from MySQL database related to the logged in user.
- Better API querying/caching for duplicate requests. Somewhat unfamiliar with writing asynchronous JavaScript for more efficient loading.
- YouTube API integration to populate trailers on relevant show/movie page.
- Monetization is possible through marketplace affiliations/streaming service partner options.