This Project was Developed as a part of a Univeristy exercise and is a platform to publish, rate and validate papers. It was developed in Python Flask only and does not contain any additional libaries.
- Developer-Tool: url_for, was created to make it possible to get around the caching of the browsers
- It is mainly meant for development purposes since it makes it easier to debug and test css styling on the fly.
- The decorator class: decorator, brings functionality such as login_required and requires_roles.
- Makes authentication and authorization requirements for parts of the application much easier to check and request and handle.
The database-schema on which this application was developed of, constists of five tables: 'users', 'papers', 'reviews', 'authors' and 'roles'. You can see the relational quantities and the contents of the tables in the detailed uml-diagram above.
Once the schema was set it was pretty straight forward to setup the Models. The reason we decided to seperate the Author and Review tables, was to simplify the relations between the user and paper to the review and author. This way it made it is easier to use and manage the relations since additional information could be stored in either table if required.
We went the with Model-View-Control(MVC) pattern for this application.
- Model
- Our models are the database representations of the tables.
- To improve performance minor tweaks could have been done to the paper model
- Functionality such as get status and get score should be extracted to the controllers to increase overall performance
- Control
- The main controller is the
- Redirect requests are handeled
- Form requests are processed and converted
- Responsible to process every incomming query, request and only return transformed data to the view
- the business logic is wrapped in controllers, such as user_controller, paper_controller and role_controller. These were written to abstract functionality (split of concerns) and handle database specific queries from the
- The main controller is the
- View
- The views are the flasks-jinja2 templates which display the data delived by the controllers, which get rendered through flasks render_template method
The whole design of the pages was done with pure css and supports mobile usage, but are not meant for mobile usage.
We focused strongly on the aspect of reusablity of css and html code through inheritance of flasks-jinja2 templates
Url to request a singup
@app.route('/signup', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
Url to request a signin
@app.route('/signin', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
Url to request a signout and cleanup of user specific information
Root url to display user specif information like, his submitted paper or papers he has to review
Url to request the form to submit a paper
Getter url for all papers in the application
Post url to validate the form passed by the
and store it in the Database@app.route('/paper/create', methods=['POST'])
Url to request a specifc paper for edit
@app.route('/paper/<int:paper_id>/edit', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
- only if the requester is registered as and author
- Stores it back into the database on submit
Read-only url for a single paper
@app.route('/paper/<int:paper_id>/', methods=['GET'])
Administration page for user-roles, Admin only
@app.route('/admin', methods=['GET'])
Post url to store the form information of the
page into the Database@app.route('/admin/set-role', methods=['POST'])
- only accessible by admin
Url for a specif review
@app.route('/paper/<int:paper_id>/review', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
- Able to give a score and store it in the review
Url to get all the papers submitted by the authenticated user
@app.route('/authored', methods=['GET'])
Url to get all the papers assigned for review to the current user
@app.route('/to_review', methods=['GET'])
Url for the conference chair to admister submitted papers
@app.route('/conference_chair', methods=['GET'])
Url for the conference chair to assign reviewers and set status of the paper itself (accepted, rejected, under review)
@app.route('/paper/<int:paper_id>/council/edit', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
- Only read-access to information of the paper (title, abstract, authors)
The current version of the website is just the first step - MVP. There are a lot of points that can be extended to increase the user experience and should be considered in the future.
- Improved ui for mobile
- Extend usablity of the website by working together with the user.
- example: Select boxes for assigning reviwer, allow double click to assign.
- More validation on all forms and fields
- example: Minum lenght for title & abstract
- Feedback about wrong input (Currently its mostly the happy path).
- Upload for the file of the paper
- A way to display the paper on the website
- More concret Role description.
- What is a normal user allowed to see & change.
- Can only create papers for him self?
- Only the intial creator can add authors and can not be removed?
- What can the conference chair do?
- Creation of paper?
- Nominate new conference chair member?
- What is a normal user allowed to see & change.
- User & Invitation system.
- User can send invation to co-authors of their paper, that are not yet registred on the page.
- Profile page of user, where other user can see the papers of them.
- Profile page with avatar and some comments from the user.
download the repository
[email protected]:SebastianKapunkt/paper-review-platform.git
cd into the project folder
cd paper-review-platform
install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
set envirement varaible
export FLASK_APP=app/
Information required to create an account:
- a username
- firstname
- lastname
- password
You can find the signup page here or under /signup
please enter the require information into the form:
To signin you need to enter your e-mail and password. You can find the Login under /signin
You can find the logout in he top right of the page, in a dropdown by hovering your name. Or go to /signout
For submitting a paper you go to /submission
or find the tap in the navigation bar:
Now you can See the form.
- Field for the title of the paper.
- Field for the abstract of the paper.
- A list of people that can be authors. Note here that if you don't select any author, you will be the author automaticly. To assign someone as a author select a user and press on the button 'Add'(4).
- Buttons to push items from one box to the other. 'Add' will push selected item from left to right and 'Remove' the other way around.
- This is the list of selected authors. Only the user in that list will be author, don't forget your self if you are one!
- Once everything is filled you can submit 'create' the paper.
All papers that were submitted on this plattform are listed here and shown in reveresd chronological order, latest first
The list of paper can be found here: /paper
or in the navigation bar:
- Column for title of paper
- Column for list of authors of that paper
- Column for status of paper
- If you click on a row you come to the detail view of a paper
In this view you can find all the information that are public, to see for all user.
- Tiel of the paper.
- Abstract of the paper.
- List of the authors.
- Status of the paper.
- If you are an author, you can see the edit button and use it to get to the edit view.
In this view as an author you can edit your paper information. And also add or remove authors (also your self!)
- Change title of paper.
- Change abstract of paper.
- Add & Remove authors.
- [Save & continue] -- you save the data you changed and also stay on the page.
- [Save] -- you save the data you changed and go back to the detail view (As a feature request it can also be the list of papers or the users overview page).
- [Cancel] -- You don't save any data and just go back to the detail view (Or if requested as a change to another view).
- Status of the paper
This page is the landing and main page for the logged in user (you :) ) You can find it at the root "/
" or in the navigation bar:
Here you have two 'filter'/main lists of paper
This is a list of papers you submitted or you are an author of.
- Title of the paper.
- Authors of the paper.
- Stauts of the paper.
- If you click on a row you come to the detail view of the paper (explained here).
This is a list of papers where you got requested from the conference chair to review them.
- Column title of paper.
- Column authors of paper.
- Column status of paper.
- Column of score of your review of that paper. It is None if you haven't reviewed it yet or has the score you have it.
- If you click on the row you can go to submit or change a review
At this page you can see the papers you were requested to review
- represents the rating in stars.
- 1 star = -2
- 2 stars = -1
- 3 stars = 0
- 4 stars = 1
- 5 stars = 2
- This button will submit your review and you will stay on that page.
- This button will submit your review and you will be redirected to your overview page
- The title of the paper to review.
- The abstract of the paper to review.
If you are a member of this group you will be able to access the 'conference chair' site. You can find it in the navigation bar:
- Column title of paper.
- Column reviwer of paper. This are the user that are assigned by the conference chair to review a paper.
- Column authors of paper.
- Column status of paper.
- Column score of review of paper. This is the average over all the scores in reviews given.
- When you click on a row you will come to the work view for the conference chair of that paper.
- Title of the paper.
- Abstract of the paper.
- Add & Remove reviewer. Note that if you unassign a reviwer the review is gone to, even if you add the reviwer again.
- Button to set the status 'approve'
- Button to set the status 'rejected'
- Button to set the status 'under_review'
- [save and continue] -- save changes made on the page and stay on the page.
- [save] -- save changed made and go back to the list of paper (conference chair).
- [cancel] -- save nothing and go back to list of paper (conference chair).
- Current status of the paper.
- Authors of the paper.
- Reviews of the paper. First row is the average score of the paper over all reviews. The following rows are the individual reviews with their scores.