The Usability Update
Release Notes
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To install on a MicroSD, download the file "", extract the .img file file, and write that image to a MicroSD card (at least 4GB in size).
New Features:
- added TESTNET!
- added support for 12 word seeds
- added ability to temporarily save 3 seeds
- added outgoing psbt trimming
- added status indicators during frame input
- added support for up to 99 input frames
- added "go-back" during word entry
- added error checking for entered seeds
- fixed change identification bug
- various UX improvements & other bug fixes
- built for compatibility with Specter v1.1.0 and up
- use Specter's "other" device type
- boot time is 90-100 seconds on RasPi Zero
- always opt for animated QR codes in Specter
- test with small amounts of BTC if using mainnet
- currently support multisig only
- try holding screen upside-down when signing