Curated list of awesome Senzing software and resources. Inspired by other awesome sites.
Documentation on Senzing usage.
- Promoted articles - Promoted articles.
- Senzing API for Developers - Senzing API for Developers.
- postgresql-performance - Tweaks to PostgreSQL and the Senzing DDL
- rabbitmq-performance - Tweeks to RabbitMQ
- video - Videos available at
Convert industry standard formats to Senzing-ready format.
- mapper-base - Base functions used to map a variety of formats to a Senzing-acceptable format.
- mapper-csv - Exemplar artifacts (files) that can be used in other Senzing repositories.
- mapper-dnb - Map DNB format into Senzing format.
- mapper-dowjones - Map Dow Jones Watchlist format into Senzing format.
- mapper-icij - Map ICIJ format into Senzing format.
- mapper-leie - Map US HHS LEIE into Senzing format.
- mapper-nomino - Map Nomino format into Senzing format.
- mapper-npi - Map NPPES NPI Registry into Senzing format.
- mapper-ofac - Map OFAC into Senzing format.
- mapper-openc - Map Open Corporate into Senzing format.
- mapper-opensanctions - Map Open Sanctions into Senzing format.
- mapper-sayari-spark - Map Sayari's global corporate data into Senzing format.
- mapper-spire - Map Spire vessel master and owners into Senzing format.
Non-code information.
- awesome - Curated list of awesome software and resources for Senzing, The First Real-Time AI for Entity Resolution.
- senzing-entity-specification - Complete Senzing Entity Specification and Attribute Dictionary.
- - Organization site at
How to request new features and bug fixes.
Our thanks to those who blazed the 'awesome' trail before us.
- General: sindresorhus/awesome,
- GoLang: avelino/awesome-go
- Java: java-lang/awesome-java, akullpp/awesome-java, awesome-java
- JavaScript: sorrycc/awesome-javascript, uhub/awesome-javascript
- PHP:, ziadoz/awesome-php
- Python: vinta/awesome-python